Therefore, my heart goes out to Indiana Jones and Co. I can't even imagine how stressed out I would be if I lost an ARK.
My ark is one of my only belongings that I have never lost. It is always on my nightstand and if I ever use it, I always put it right back in its spot. I would like to thank "Raiders of the Lost Ark" for teaching me how valuable my ark is and how much of a hassle it could be for me to recover my ark should it ever be lost/stolen. Before this movie came out I use to misplace my ark all the time. Thankfully the film came out when I was one year old and the valuable lesson has stuck with me for the remainder of my life.
On a side note, here are the 5 sequels that I desperately need to be made; all of which will add countless hours to my life.
#5 - Raiders of the Lost Remote Control - This is what I spend most of my free time doing; looking for my remote control. I could pick up a new hobby with all the free time I would have if "Raiders of the Lost Remote Control" taught me to not misplace my remote anymore.
#4 - Raiders of the Lost Ipod - Why do I even bother getting new Ipods? Sure they are fun when you know where they are, but come on, how often is that?
#3 - Raiders of the Lost Keys - It is VERY seldom that I lose my keys in my home because the first thing I do when I walk in the door is put them down in their special spot. I do, however, have a VERY difficult time keeping track of them when I am at work, or out on the town. Last summer I lost my keys while bartending at the beach. FOR THREE DAYS. I couldn't use my car; it stayed in the parking lot for days. I couldn't get in my home because nobody had the new spare key yet. I basically just slept on couches and wore the same clothes for a few days. Luckily another bartender found them and my life was restored. It was one of the top 10 best moments of my life; mainly because I was reunited with my Third Eye Blind keychain which has been with me for years and years. The thought of my 3eb keychain in the garbage or someone elses possession was almost too much for me to handle.
#2 - Raiders of the Lost Wallet - I have probably lost my wallet over 300 times in my almost twenty years of carrying a wallet. I have, however, shockingly, never lost it permanently. I have lost it for days / weeks at a time, but it has always found its way back to me. Even after I have given up all hope of ever finding it, it somehow makes it way back to me. I have left it in parking lots, on atm machines, blockbuster counters, and countless bar tops near the mega touch machine. Thanks to the kindness of strangers, it ALWAYS has been returned. You know what they say, "It takes a village to keep track of a wallet."
#1 - Raiders of the Lost Cell Phone - I have to admit, I sometimes secretly love when I lose my cell phone because it means that I don't have to answer it and nobody will bother me. I can just throw a status up on facebook explaining that I will be out of contact until my cell phone has been located and lay back and enjoy the peace and quiet. However, when I need my cell phone and can not find it I sometimes start to panic. I can feel the blood boiling in my face as I am frantically searching. I have more of a love/hate relationship with cell phones than with anything or anyone on this planet.
I know most of these Indiana Jones flicks all blend together, and they are all great, but this one is a classic and deserves to be this high on the list. No matter what Indiana Jones movie anyone is ever talking about my first response is ALWAYS "Is that the one where that guy rips the heart out of that other guy?" Most of the time even the person talking about the movie doesn't know.
My next question is always "Is that the one with the giant ball?" and the answer if usually still a mystery to everyone. They really should all just be one long movie because I do not think anyone has any idea how to distinguish between them. (#66 on AFI list)
A scene from "Raiders of the Lost Ark." I think.
14. The Godfather (1972) - "WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!" "Is he joking????" "Did you read last night?!?! What an IDIOT!" "I HATE HIM" "LETS KILL HIM."
These are some of the reactions that are sure to be heard at the water cooler tomorrow. HOW could I POSSIBLY place THE GODFATHER at number 14? I am sure I just lost all credit with hundreds of devoted followers, but I can not place this above any of the remaining films, and I am fine with that. To tell you the truth, I only feel like it is this high because of all the brainwashing society has done to me about this movie. I never really had a choice as to whether or not I liked this movie. The answer has always been, "yes Ryan, you like this movie."
I do like the movie. I like it a lot. I just do not LOVE the movie the way that many others do. First of all the beginning kind of drags a little bit. Second of all, this movie is simply not my style; I typically tend to enjoy more feel good movies; not feel bad movies. I am not in the mafia, nor will I ever be. I do not have an obsession with the mafia and mafia related films/tv shows the way that many others do. I have seen the Sopranos, and thought it was good, but it is far from my favorite (that is my way of warning my brother to be prepared for the Sopranos to be in the 90's when I release my Top 100 TV Shows of all Time List.)
I apologize to any family members/friends/fans that are mad at me, but I placed it as high as I possibly could allow myself to place it. I hope you still finish reading the list and will return to for future lists, as I am sure you will forgive me over time.
I better go deadbolt my door now. (#2 on AFI list)
13. The Godfather II (1974) - Here we go again. I like this is little more than The Godfather because it is broken up into different stories and I like when movies/books do that. Other than that, there is no real reason this is one above its predecessor. If I somehow manage to not get shot because I placed The Godfather, and The Godfather II so low on the list I will be very thankful. (#32 on AFI list)
12. Titanic (1997) - I don't care how queer the movie may be, I like it a lot. I kind of even love it. I am secure enough in who I am to be able to admit that I love Titanic. There, I said it. I LOVE TITANIC.
It feels so invigorating to be able to say that after 14 years. Leo DiCaprio is my favorite living actor and Kate Winslet is probably in my top 5 favorite living actresses. I kind if hate Cathy Bates, but her role in the film is so minuscule that it does not really effect anything.
Since I already admitted that I love "Titanic" I might as well go ahead and admit how much I like "My Heart Will Go On" by Celine Dion as well. Of course it was VERY overplayed in the late 90's but I kind of think it is epic. I remember everyone always making fun of the song and saying "OH I hate that song" or "If I hear this song one more time I am going to kill myself." I would always be like "Yeah, I know. It SUCKS." But deep down inside I loved it. If Itunes was around in the late 90s, not only would I have bought the song, but it more than likely would be the 15th most played song on my itunes; only behind the entire debut CD from Third Eye Blind. (#83 on AFI list) "My Heart Will Go On"
and yes. I did just buy it on itunes and don't care what anyone thinks.
I seriously want to start a rock band (and obviously be the lead singer) just to do a rock cover of this song, have it sell millions of copies, then retire)
11. Singing' in the Rain (1952) -I am embarrassed to say that I had never seen this movie until I started the quest to watch all 100 movies. It instantly became one of my favorite movies and I plead with you all to watch it if you have never seen it. Gene Kelly is the closest thing to perfection as a human being can get. He is one of the best singers, dancers, and actors of all time. Granted Keanu Reeves can sure belt out a tune or two and his acting skills are impeccable, but he lacks a little in the tap dancing department. (#5 on AFI list) Here is the "Singin' in the Rain" scene. If you do not love this scene and admit he is amazing, you deserve nothing but awful things to happen to you, and I hope your life is filled with misery and heartache.
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