I cannot think of "Rocky" and not think of "Eye of the Tiger." I am going to put the over/under at 450 for how many times I will listen to "Eye of the Tiger" from now until May 7th (while training for the Tough Mudder 2011.)
If any of my Tough Mudder teammates read this, remind me that I need to make us all CD's in order to get properly prepared / pumped up for the event. Some other selections on our pump-up CD may include Jewel's "Foolish Games," Boyz II Men's "I'll Make Love to You," and that Sarah McLaughlin song that is played during that commercial where she wants us to save dogs from dying or something. (#57 on AFI list)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1L8uRApYeQ I almost forgot. NOTHING pumps me up more than Enya's "Caribbean Blue." Really any Enya for that matter.
9. The Philadelphia Story (1940) - My second favorite Jimmy Stewart film on the list. This might be the most talented cast of any movie I have ever seen. Sure 2001's "The Animal" had Rob Schneider and Colleen Haskell, but "The Philadelphia Story" has Jimmy Stewart, Katharine Hepburn, and Cary Grant!
It is such a simple move; there are no special effects, there are no big sets; it is just three of the greatest actors of all time doing what they do best. The ONLY way this movie could be topped is if Tori Spelling starred in a remake and her suitors were played by Macaulay Culkin and Dustin Diamond. The world will never be fortunate enough to have that much talent in one place. (#44 on AFI list)
"The Philadelphia Story 2011"

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CtquHsxoZo Here is the real trailer for the film.
8. The Graduate (1967) - Besides Ferris Bueller, Benjamin Braddock might be my favorite film character of all time. Every time I am floating in my parents swimming pool I pretend I am Benjamin and don't have a care in the world.
I try to use the phrase "You're trying to seduce me, aren't you?" at least once a month. Unfortunately, the older I get, the less frequently I am able to use it.
I think this film should be shown to every male high school senior before they graduate. It is a shame that school systems now a days are focused on standardized tests and graduation portfolios, and not what really matters; the importance of understanding that old women are people too! (#17 on AFI list)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnW59E-zyZY Mrs. Robinson - A Tribute
7. On the Waterfront (1954) - This was the 99th movie I watched of the 100 and I can not believe that I waited so long to watch it. I believe this is Marlon Brando's best performance of his career and the "I coulda been a contender" scene gives me goosebumps. Here it is....
As cool and masculine as Brando is, why does it always look like he wears makeup on his eyes. Not the powder stuff, the stuff that is like in a small fingernail polish bottle. Mascara? Is that what it is called?
Almost everyone knows the "I coulda been a contender" line, but many people have never seen this film. If you have never seen it, you have no idea what you are missing. I can not imagine any human being on the planet watching this film and not loving it. A little known fact is that this movie was Mother Teresa's favorite movie of all time*. So WATCH IT!!!!!! (#19 on AFI list)
* fine, I made up the line about the movie being Mother Teresa's favorite movie of all time, but I wouldn't be surprised if she said she liked it.
6. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) - I never knew how much of a dork I was until I watched The Lord of the Rings for the first time about a year ago. I feel awful about all the countless times I made fun of people (family, friends, co-workers, students, strangers, etc.) about loving "The Lord of the Rings" ; all the people I beat up just because they were holding a JRR Tolken book, or wearing a LoTR T-Shirt. All the unnecessary tears others have shed because they thought I was going to laugh at them if they admitted they liked the saga.
All this time I was the one that was foolish. I was the nerd because I refused to watch the movie. I almost skipped this movie on the list because that is how adamant I was in refusing to like Lord of the Rings.
Needless to say, I loved it. I do not own any LoTR memorabilia yet, and have not been to any LoTR conventions, but it is not out of the question.
Of course, I only watched the first one, but I cannot believe how good it was, and apologize from the bottom of my heart for all the awful things I have said about you for liking The Lord of the Rings. (#50 on AFI list)
P.S. I give you all free reign to make fun of me all you want for ranking it this high. I deserve it.
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