30. The Sound of Music (1965) - The only way this movie could have been better is if the "Do Re Me" song was playing throughout the entire film. I have no idea why I like it so much, but I do. Is that the same song about all of her favorite things? I forget. If it is a different song, then I like that one a lot too. I am beginning to think I might need to get "The Sound of Music" soundtrack. I can't think of walking into FYE and buying anything more embarrassing than the "Sound of Music" soundtrack; well maybe the "Cabaret" soundtrack. I would obviously have to buy it around mid December and lie to the check out girl that it was a Christmas present for my mother or something like that.
I suppose I could just buy it on Itunes, but then the tracks may come on as I was at the gym and I would be stressed out at the end of every song thinking that "Do Re Me" was going to come on next and the person running next to me on the treadmill would see it.
I guess I'll just have to watch the youtube videos in the privacy of my own home if I feel the urge to listen to any "Song of Music" songs. I hate society.(#40 on AFI list)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dpGmAc3kMk How can you NOT like this. It is not like it pumps me up or anything, but it is awesome........ Fine it kind of pumps me up.
I have, however, always HATED the "La" part of the song. She really could not come up with anything better than "a note to follow so?"
I think I like it so much because I love singing songs with an accent. This song makes it very easy for me to do.
Julie Andrews is definitely the nicest, calmest, laid back person of all time. How much patience does one need to have, after getting bit by a dog, stung by a bee, and feeling sad, to simply think of some stupid ugly whiskers on a cat and it will make them happy?
29. Sunset Boulevard (1950) - I LOVE how crazy this lady is in Sunset Boulevard. The final scene when she says "All right, Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up" is unforgettable. The last five minutes might be one of my top ten favorite final five minutes of any film. I just think it is hysterical how crazy she went and thinks that the news crews are NOT there to watch her get arrested for murder. I have always heard that quote (and liked it) even before I watched the movie, but after seeing it in the context of the film, it is one of my favorite movie quotes ever! (#16 on AFI list)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOLypkY8LMc I want to be friends with her!
28. A Clockwork Orange (1971) - By far the most messed up movie of all time. There are many scenes in this flick which will be burned into my memory for the rest of my life. The scene where he is getting the "treatment" and they force his eye lids open and keep putting solution in his eyes is so disturbing, which makes ts so memorable. I have just realized that there may be something wrong with me, because I really like the lead guy in the film. In the span of the first hour of the movie he beats an elderly man, steals a car, breaks into houses, rapes, murders, and gets drunk. HOWEVER, he does love the song "Singin' in the Rain" and so do I. How bad can he really be? I think he is just misunderstood. (#70 on AFI list)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWvWyYz9ttk I really don't get all the hate. He does such a good rendition of the song.
27. Gone with the Wind (1939) - Why did nobody tell me that this movie had nothing to do with kite flying? Color me shocked. You can imagine my surprise when, I found out this movie did not even contain one single kite. Not that I am a HUGE fan of kite flying, but I do like to watch a good kite flying movie every now and then. To be honest, I personally HATE flying kites. Not only am I terrible at flying kites (I can not even get it off the ground), but I also get real tired trying to fly them, and give up very quickly. I also feel as though I look like a complete moron while I am doing all this. Is it even possible to fly a kite and look good/cool doing it? Maybe I will take kite flying lessons this summer, but obviously in the privacy of my own home so I am not judged.
You could not pay me enough money to strip down to my bathing suit and go to the shore line on a hot summer day and run up and down the beach like an idiot with everyone watching me and laughing at how awful I am. During my eight years of lifeguarding (of course I was head lifeguard for about 3 of those years, but no big deal) I can not even begin to count how many grown men I have seen trying to fly a kite. The kites land in the ocean and get all wet, or the string gets wrapped around innocent bystanders body parts, and it never, NEVER, went well.
I remember getting so angry, and while I am not a violent person at all, I often had an uncontrollable urge to punch them all in the head.
But, "Gone with the Wind" is a very good movie, even though it had nothing to do with kites. (#6 on AFI)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgbYRljEaJk Here is the trailer for the movie "The Kite Runner", a REAL kite flying movie. If you are mad that I included the trailer for "The Kite Runner" and not "Gone with the Wind" I am sorry. But frankly, my dears, I don't give a damn.
26. Schindler's List (1993) - I do not have any clue what this movie is about, but it has the word "list" in its title and that itself makes it one of my favorite movies of all time. I like lists.
I do have to admit though, that I think I am a better list maker than Mr. Schindler. I don't want to brag or anything, but I almost have 1000 hits on ryanscountdowns.blogspot.com. I don't see Mr. Schindler owning, creating, and writing a blog with his "list" on it. I think I, too, will make my lists into a major motion film and I am sure it will be more successful than "Schindler's List" will ever be. Obviously I will be played by Mr. Leonardo DiCaprio and the Soundtrack will be written, produced, and performed by Mr. Brandon Flowers (with me guest starring as backup vocals, and lead vocals for a few songs.) Colleen Haskell from Survivor 1 will play my love interest, and I will see if I can get that guy from "A Clockwork Orange" to play a lovable, yet edgy friend of mine.
I was obviously kidding when I said I did not know what the movie is about. It is a wonderful movie and is sure to give Ryanscountdowns.blogspot.com's List a run for its money at the Box Office. (#8 on AFI list)
ryanscountdowns.blogspot.com - Trailer coming soon!!!!!!! Look for "Ryanscountdowns.blogspot.com's List" in theaters May of 2012. Here is a sneak peak at the DVD artwork..... and YES, I have been working out!
25. It Happened One Night (1934) - There is not a single reason I can think of as to why I like this film so much. It is very simple, but for some reason I am in love with it. Maybe because it was directed by Frank Capra, and starred Clark Gable and Claudette Colbert? I really have no idea. Maybe I should watch it again and re-evaluate it. Maybe I had a few glasses of wine or something when I was watching it because I barely remember it, or anything about it, but I am 100% positive that I loved it. Now I am stressed out. WHERE AM I GOING TO FIND time to re watch a movie? (#46 on AFI list)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALmnUBqbhuo Yep. The trailer did nothing for me. I still don't remember why I loved it. Ugh.
24. Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966) I AM!!!!!!!!!!! Well, actually I am afraid of Elizabeth Taylor, she is the star of this film; and who isn't a little scared of her.
I am not going to give the ending of the film away, because it is a shocker, much like "The Sixth Sense" but really nothing like "The Sixth Sense." I highly recommend watching this film and would be shocked if you don't like it. Also, just so you all know, this film does NOT take place in Virginia, nor does it feature any Wolves. (#67)
23. Bonnie and Clyde (1967) - I wish I could give all 23 remaining movies a top five finish, but that simply is not possible. "Bonnie and Clyde" is unbelievably great. It is so wonderful that we have a co-ed couple for children to look up to and learn from if they ever want to dabble into the world of bank robbery. They really are wonderful role models in that regard and all parents should begin having their children watch the adventures of Bonnie and Clyde as early as they can. Usually I think of bank robbers being ugly, dirty, and simply people that I would not particularly surround myself with. However, both Bonnie and Clyde are very good looking and clean, and I would be honored to call them my friends (although I would want no part in their bank robbing schemes. I would be way to nervous if I got involved and more than likely ruin it for them.) I would feel bad about scaring the bank tellers and then apologize until the police showed up and arrested me.
Just last week I went into the bank and got some cash out of my checking account. It was obviously about zero degrees because we get a blizzard once a week, but it was not until I got back in the car that I realized why the tellers seemed scared of me. When I looked in the rear view mirror I realized that I looked like a bank robber because I had my jacket zipped up to right under my mouth, and my warm winter wool hat (alliteration) was pulled down to just above my eyes. I felt so bad because I think that the tellers thought that I was a bank robber and seemed very nervous and timid, not their jovial selves.
If anyone knows any Wednesday afternoon bank tellers at Citizens Bank in Westerly, RI, please apologize to them for me. (#42 on AFI list)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BizxiDtFdrI Look how good looking they are. I would GLADLY accept them in my circle of friends. We all have our flaws, so what if theirs is killing and robbing.
What is wrong with me? I am kind of serious. I was kind of kidding about the "Clockwork Orange" guy, Hannibal Lector, and Norman Bates, but I really want to be friends with Bonnie and Clyde.
OK I wasn't really kidding about the "Clockwork Orange" guy either.
Or Norman Bates.
Or Dr, Hannibal Lector.
I need help.
22. Raging Bull (1980) - I apparently love Boxing. Who knew?
I mean of course I LOVE "The Contender" but that is only because it is an elimination reality show. I never realized that I have never seen a boxing film that I did not love. Maybe I should delve into the boxing world. I think I may not be a violent person because my brother told me that I hit like a girl for about 24 years of my life. I think there is some deep rooted self-esteem issues I have when it comes to punching people. All I can imagine is that I punch someone in the face and then they simply look at me, laugh, and say "you hit like a girl." Thanks a lot Cory. You have single handily made me into a non-violent person. Jerk.
Oh, and mom and dad love me more. (#4 on AFI list)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YiVOwxsa4OM Fortunately there is no video evidence (that I am aware of) of me punching anyone. Thank God that my brother and I don't get into fist fights anymore because with all the technology these days, it would be much easier for one to capture me punching him on film.
21. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969) -You guessed it. I love these outlaws too. Maybe I need some more violent, reckless friends. The final scene of "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid" breaks my heart. I want to help them. I want to protect them. There is simply nothing I could have done though. I suppose they brought it on all by themselves. They had plenty of chances to redeem themselves, they just could not stay away from the rush they got from robbing.
Their deaths were inevitable, although I like to think they are in a much better place now, and one day, if I am lucky enough, I will meet them on the other side and shake their hands.
OK, and maybe a hug. I am a hugger after all.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0UzG-Gc7II Did they REALLY need to shoot them that many times. The pain just kept coming and coming and coming.
I am, of course, referring to my pain, not theirs. I just wanted it to end already.