This is based on a true story, however, in real life many of the hijackers were caught and brutally executed. Considering this is a comedy, it is understandable why that was left on the cutting room floor. Brutal execution does not tickle too many funny bones. Although who wasn't in a fit of laughter when the big, nice, innocent, black man was executed in "The Green Mile." That was pure comic genius. (#18 on AFI list) Scenes from "The General" with commentary about Buster Keaton, Director. Just in case anyone needs a good laugh or pick me up, I included the execution scene from "The Green Mile."
I am obviously kidding and the above scene is only intended for anyone that wants to be sad.
59. Jaws (1975) - I am sure that not many of you have heard of this movie, but it is about a shark; a real mean shark. It was directed by some guy named Steven Spielberg, and I am not sure if there has ever been any sequels.
The budget for "Jaws" was 7 million dollars. The current gross revenue is $470, 654, 000, therefore it is considered to be somewhat of a success.
Despite the movies jaw-dropping scenes (pun intended) and the action packed, edge-of-your-seat action, the movie is probably best known for taking home the coveted "Best Sound" Academy Award at the 1976 ceremony. (#56 on AFI list) The trailer. In case you still have no idea what the film is about.
58. 12 Angry Men (1957) - My favorite part of the school year is when we learn about the Judicial Branch so I can show my students this movie. Once we clean up all the vomit after they learn that the movie is in Black and White, they all usually really enjoy the film. The entire movie takes place in the jury room as they are deliberating over the verdict of a murder trial. I make them take notes and pretend that I am going to check them and give them a grade so they focus on the movie. I never end up checking the notes, but I do give them some sort of assignment upon completion of the film. (#87 on AFI list)
I will now do the unthinkable and rank the 12 jurors in the film. Obviously from least favorite to favorite.
** Mini list within a list**
12. Juror #3. Even his own mother must dislike him.
11. Juror #10 - Angry man
10. Juror # 11 Who?
9. Juror #4 - He thinks he is better than everyone else. Like jury duty is below him. I really don't like him.
8. Juror #6 - Useless.
7. Juror #5 - I feel bad for him. He is scared of everyone fighting.
6. Juror #2 - Nerdy, but nice.
5. Juror #12 - He really does not want to be there. He just doodles the entire time. It is like me at a faculty meeting.
4. Juror #7 - He just wants to go to the Mets game.
3. Juror #1 (The Foreman) He did an OK job being the leader of such a rowdy bunch.
2. Juror #9 - What a nice old man.
1. Juror #8 (thank God for him, or there would have been no movie at all)
57. Unforgiven (1992) - Has anyone ever seen Clint Eastwood smile? This guy has been in hundreds of movies and I seriously do not think I have ever seen him be anything but mean and miserable. I think this is the closest he has ever come to smiling....
It looks like he is in severe pain. Doesn't it? I think I would actually pay money to see someone tickle Clint Eastwood. What would he do? I think I might add that to my list of things to do before I die; tickle Clint Eastwood.
Anyway, "Unforgiven" is an awesome movie, and largely contributed to me re-tracking my prior distaste for Westerns. (#68 on AFI list) A little too serious for my liking.
56. Bringing Up Baby (1938) - Cary Grant, Katharine Hepburn, and a leopard. Need I say more? This movie has absolutely nothing to do with an actual baby, which, being the moron I sometimes am, I didn't realize until about halfway through the film. Baby IS the leopard. His NAME is Baby. That is just stupid if you ask me, and pretty confusing to the audience that was hoping to see Grant and Hepburn raise a perfect little child.
Also the patience of Grant in the final scene of the film is nothing short of astonishing. Grant's character (Dr. David Huxley) is a palaeontologist and only needs one more dinosaur bone to complete a priceless skeleton. Enter Susan Vance (Hepburn) whom Grant has now fallen in love with. Guess what happens. She clumsily knocks over the entire dinosaur skeleton and Grant simply laughs it off. If I was him she would be out the door quicker than you could say "I am sorry that I knocked over your dinosaur skeleton, you nerd." (#88 on AFI list) This trailer is TERRIBLE. Don't even bother watching it. It really does nothing for the movie. It actually makes me NOT want to watch it. But watch the movie because it is great.
55. Dr. Strangelove (or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb) (1964) - This hilarious movie is a satire about the "nuclear scare" during the Cold War. The great quote "Gentlemen, you can't fight in here. This is the war room." is extremely hilarious and makes me laugh out loud even typing it. Peter Sellers plays the role of three of the main characters in the film, including the hilarious wheelchair bound, nuclear war expert Dr. Strangelove. It took a little while to get the humor of the film, but it paved the way for movies like "Naked Gun" and "Airplane." I usually do not like movies where main characters die at the end, but this ending is classic! (#39 on AFI list) "....This is the war room" scene. HILARIOUS. HILARIOUS. HILARIOUS. I love Dr. Strangelove. I want to be friends with him so badly. If you don't laugh out loud at this scene you have serious issues.
54. Spartacus (1960) - Who doesn't wish they were a slave working under the Roman Empire during the "I am Spartacus" scene. Do you think it would be too much if I named my first born son Spartacus? That might be taking things a little too far I suppose. Thank God the film was re-released in 1991 with an additional 14 minutes of footage because the original 200 minutes was just not enough. Unless we are talking about "Avatar" I am pretty content with my epic films being contained to under three and a half hours. I do not think even the biggest fan of "Spartacus" in the world was like "YES!!!!! Fourteen more minutes!!!!!!" I mean, it is an amazing movie, but enough is enough. (#81 on AFI list) hahahaha. The ONLY way I would accept the additional fourteen minutes of extra footage is if the entire fourteen minutes was simply slaves standing up one after the other and yelling "I am Spartacus." Imagine being the last guy to stand up and yell "I am Spartacus." He was probably like Damn, I guess I have to stand up and claim to be the man the Romans wanted to brutally kill too. It must have been like when you are in an audience that decides to give a standing ovation and you really do not feel like getting up, and you are like "please do not stand up" to the person next to you. And then they stand up. You then feel obligated.
53. The Gold Rush (1925) - OK calm down everyone. This is the last silent movie, I promise. This film, again, stars the great Charlie Chaplin. I have said all I need to say about Chaplin in previous postings. In my opinion this is his best film, and very funny. Chaplin has said many times that this is the film that he wanted to be remembered for. Do yourself a favor and take 96 minutes out of your busy lives and watch this film. If you do not like it, you will never have to watch a silent film again for the rest of your life. This is the film in which Charlie Chaplin, stranded in a remote cabin, tries to EAT HIS SHOE. I can't believe he is dead. I miss him already. (#58 on AFI list) Please defriend me if you do not think that is funny.
52. West Side Story (1961) - I can't believe it took me over thirty years to watch West Side Story. It is such a widely known and beloved movie/play that it is kind of embarrassing that I went so long without seeing it. I think the reason it is not higher than #60 is because I had such high expectations of the film. There are a few songs that I really enjoyed ("America," and "Gee, Officer Krumpler" are probably my favorites.) I like the story behind the movie and the rivalry between the two groups, but I have to say I was shocked by all the deaths. I had no idea that so many main characters died. I have to admit, it is refreshing to see a flick where they are not scared to kill off the main characters. I actually think the ONLY people that died were the main characters, which you do not see everyday. I mean, can you imagine "Hairspray" if Zac Efron, Amanda Bynes, and the fat girl died? (#51 on AFI list) My favorite song in "West Side Story." I love how he tries to get out of trouble by saying his parents were drunks and druggies, then by saying he is "mentally disturbed." This songs makes me wish I was a part of their circle of friends. Should I be nervous about how much I like the ending scene of "Hairspray?" Thank God Zac Efron, Amanda Bynes, and the big girl did not die before this unforgettable scene. I am a little embarrassed to say that this scene might crack my top 20 favorite movie scenes of all time. I have NO IDEA why I like it so much, I just do. Please do not make fun of me for it.
51. The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948) - This is the serious version of "The Gold Rush" (#53.) It is not funny at all; in fact it is similar to a Western, so I am pretty sure I did not even smile one time throughout the film. It stars Humphrey Bogart and I think it is one of his best performance of all time. Bogart and his "friends" are all on a quest for gold, but end up getting greedy and things go horribly wrong. If you are thinking about becoming a gold hunter because you think it is an easy job, watch this film first, and let me know if you are still interested. It really makes teaching seem like a worth-while job. (#38 on AFI list) I would be the WORST Gold miner EVER! It seems so hard! I would give up before I even made it to the cave or wherever the hell you get gold from.
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