100. Nashville (1975) - I am not sure if this was suppose to be a comedy or not, but I did not come close to even smiling one time throughout the entire film. Actually, looking back at my life, watching this movie was one of the most stressful things I have ever had to do. It was so awful I could not even watch for more than 20 minutes at a time, and it is a LONG movie. It took me about a week to get through and I can not begin to describe how excited I was when it was over. I actually almost gave up watching the list of movies while watching this. I kept thinking "why am I doing this to myself." I managed to push through it and am more than happy to place this as number 100. However, if I had to make a list of my favorite 10,000 movies of all time (without the AFI list) this movie would not even be considered.
It has about 30 main characters and by the time the movie ended I still had no clue who the hell anybody was. I highly recommend never even thinking about watching this ridiculous film. (#59 on AFI list)
99. Intolerance (1916) - Yes. I said 1916! I didn't even now they made movies that early. This movie lived up to its name; intolerable. It was obviously a silent film. A THREE HOUR silent film. I have grown to appreciate silent films, but this one was just way too long (about 2 hours too long.) I LOVE the idea of the film, and I can see why it is considered one of the best silent pictures of all time. It took place in 4 different eras; Babylon (539BC), Judean Era (AD 27), French Renaissance (1572), and "Modern Day" (1914). All 4 periods dealt with mankinds "Intolerance." I am sure it was considered EPIC in 1916, but that was almost 100 years ago and things have changed just a little bit in the last 100 years. Shockingly, all the main characters in this film have since passed on. Very tragic. (#49 on AFI list)
98. All the Presidents Men (1976) - I know my dad and uncle are probably going to fall out of their chairs if they read this, but for some reason I was very bored by this movie. The acting was great and the plot was historic (Watergate Scandal), I just remember wanting the movie to end. There are only a few movies on the list that I really wanted to end and this was one of them. Of all 100 movies though, I do feel like I should re-watch this movie. Maybe I was not in the mood to watch a movie when I watched this, hence me wanting it to end so bad. I will re-watch it and let you all know what I think. I know you will all be holding your breath. (#77 on AFI list)
97. The Wild Bunch (1969) - Let me begin by saying how much I hated Westerns before starting this list. When I saw that there were about 10 Westerns on the list I nearly quit. I could not see myself EVER sitting down and watching these Westerns. I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed a lot of them; this is not one though. This is your typical Western; basically a bunch of men riding around on horses and shooting each other. SPOILER ALERT: Almost all of them die! (#79 on AFI list)
96. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) - OK, I guess I have always hated Sci-Fi too, and I still do. This movie was a little ridiculous to watch in 2010, but I am sure that back in 1968 it was awesome. It would be like a movie being released this year called "2044". I am sure that whatever we imagine the world to be like in 2044 will be far-fetched, and we would all hope that someday in the near future the world would be that way. However if we watched the film 2044 in 2074 and the world was still not as awesome as the movie 2044 we would be a little depressed. Also, the ending of this movie might be the most bizarre ending I have ever seen in any movie. I think an old man turns into a fetus or something. Very confusing and strange; although I do love "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button."
I am a HUGE fan of the murdering robot HAL in 2001: A Space Odyessy. I think he is hilarious and I would love to have a little HAL for myself, as long as he didn't try to kill me. (#15 on AFI list)
95. Easy Rider (1969) - I love Jack Nicholson, Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper, but this film about 2 guys riding around on a motorcycle just does not do it for me. I know people that love this film, but the only part I remember liking was their "chemical highs." It was real trippy.
Maybe I just hated the ending of this movie. Why do people have to die? (#84 on AFI list)
94. Blade Runner (1982) - Did I mention how much I dislike Sci-Fi? Especially OLD Sci-Fi. I do like "replicants" and I want one made of myself. If I had my own replicant I would name him Kirby and he would be blue; he would also have a tattoo of Third Eye Blind on his thigh, and we would be best friends.
Blade Runner takes place in 2019 and if the world is like it is in Blade Runner in 8 years than we may all be in big trouble soon. Although I am sure Harrison Ford will protect us. (#97 on AFI list) I guess they didn't like it that much either.
93. Chinatown (1974) #21 on AFI list
92. The French Connection (1971) #93 on AFI list
91. In the Heat of the Night (1967) #75 on AFI list
All three of these films are about the same to me. They were all released within 7 years of each other and all three were just OK to me. I did not dislike them, but I certainly did not want to put the DVD's on my Christmas list.
This is what I remember from them:
Chinatown - Jack Nicholson and Faye Dunaway - That's about it
The French Connection - The infamous car chase scene. Oh and Gene Hackman's character is named Popeye.
In the Heat of the Night - Wasn't there a greenhouse in this movie or something?
As you can see these first 10 movies did not really do much for me. However, there are only about 5 movies left that I did not like. Then you can hear all about how much I love every movie rather than how much I hate every movie, which I am sure was a little discouraging for you to read. Sorry. Things will get better.
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