"Modern Family" is one of the only shows on television that can be appreciated by people of all ages. Young people think it is funny, although they may not understand many of the jokes. Good looking, charming, thirty somethings think the show is hysterical, take myself for example. And even really, really old people (like 40 and over) find the show hilarious, even though they should probably be asleep by 8:00pm, and probably just laugh because they are a bit delirious from staying awake so late.
Any show that can make dumb kids under 30 laugh, strong-minded, intelligent, energetic, thirty somethings laugh, AND delusion old people in their forties and above laugh is clearly doing something very right.
Everyone has a favorite, and choosing between the "Modern Family" family is extremely difficult. Here are my current standings of the modern family as of this very moment....
Lily - I use to like her when she was 0 months to 18 months. But now I pretty much hate her and think she ruins everything. Why is she such a brat? I have always planned on having at least one kid (calm down mom) but maybe I should rethink things based on how much my opinion has changed of Lily after only 18 months.
Manny - I know people love him and that he is kind of funny at times, but Manny and I are complete opposites and a friendship between us could never work. Thank God he is nearly 20 years younger than me, and a fictional character, because he would probably hate someone like me.
Alex - I think she can be real funny too, but she is way more mature than I am, and she would probably think that I am real dumb and make fun of me as much as she makes fun of her siblings. Coming from a 13 year old girl, that would be a real confidence killer for a grown man.
8. 8.
Jay - Don't get me wrong, I love Jay. However, it is a bit hard to understand why he is so miserable all of the time. He is filthy rich, has an unbelievably beautiful wife, and has a hilarious, loving family. What more could you want? Well, besides private, nightly concerts by Third Eye Bind and The Killers.
Mitchell - His sarcasm, dry humor, quick comebacks, and dirty looks are impossible to not love. I am glad he is not my friend though because my sarcasm and quick comebacks are second to none, and I would not appreciate the competition.
Luke - God I love dumb kids. Um, why do you think I became a teacher? If Luke was in my fourth grade class, he would be my favorite by far. How can you not love this kid.... see video below.
Gloria - She is one of the most beautiful woman in the entire world, she is very funny, and can be very sweet. There are just a few times that she is a little scary when she yells. And, I often can't understand her, which puts a bit of a damper on our relationship.
Haley - There is absolutely no explanation necessary for why I love her so much.
3. .
Claire - Is there a word in the English language that means more than "love"? Because if there is, then I "that word" her.
Cam - BY FAR my favorite overweight, gay, clown of all time. Bozo held the title for a solid 28 years. There currently is no number three.
P.S. - I hate Bozo
Phil - I think I am clinically depressed that Phil Dunphy is only a fictional television character, and not a real person. Life really is not fair.
Delirious, deranged, and proabably a bit demented woman over forty here would like to say thank you for providing me with so many laughs after 8pm. I can hardly wait to see how you entertain me when I am 50 and psychotic.