Well, there is a little song by Garth Brooks called "Unanswered Prayers" and it may be the most true, inspiring, and motivating song ever written. I prayed to God during every rose ceremony that Alex would give Trista a rose, and every rose ceremony God answered my prayers; until the FINAL rose.
The point of the song is that sometimes God may hear your prayers, and while, at the moment you may think that what you are praying for is the most important thing you will ever pray for in your life, God knows what is best for you in the long run. God may hear your prayers, but choose to not answer them the way you desire.
That is exactly what happened with my prayers for Trista. After being rejected by Alex, she went on to become the first ever Bachelorette and chose Ryan, who was also, obviously, my favorite. The two went on to become happily married with children, and the world is now a much better place.
I then, led a normal life for about 7 years, and like many other men my age, did not watch the Bachelor or Bachelorette; and honestly did not even know it was still on.
All that changed when I recently got sucked back into the show after I became involved with forming a reality team for the Tough Mudder race, which would benefit charity. Three Bachelors from the Bachelorette joined our team; Chris L, Tyler, and Kasey (also featured on the Bachelor Pad 2) and Peyton from the Bachelorette and Bachelor Pad joined us for the weekend. All four of them are great people. They are genuine, kind, and an absolute blast to be with. I will, however, be cursing them (for re-kindling my interest in the show) every Monday night when I am drinking wine, and fighting back tears while watching rejected Bachelors and Bachelorettes sob while being driven away from the mansion in a limo.
I fear it is now too late for me to stop watching the show and hope it gets canceled soon so I don't have to question my masculinity any longer.
49. Curb Your Enthusiasm (2000 - Present) - Created by, written by, produced by, and starring Larry David; it is pretty safe to say that Larry David is one of my favorite people of all time. Anybody that has even remotely the same sense of humor as myself will not be able to watch one episode of Enthusiasm without laughing out loud. Larry David (on the show) has just about the worst luck of any human being alive, and really, if you can't laugh at other people's misfortune, what can you laugh at?
Its hard to not laugh just looking at him, isn't it?
48. Perfect Strangers (1986 - 1993) - Luckily children do not give birth to other children because I am pretty confident that if I had a baby boy when I was between the ages of 6-13 I would have certainly named him Balki, after the lovable "Perfect Strangers" character, Balki Bartokomous. It has been almost TWENTY YEARS since I have seen a single second of "Perfect Strangers", but still to this day every time I hear the phrase "Don't Be Ridiculous" I can't help but to think of Balki saying it to cousin Larry. I have to agree with Balki, cousin Larry was often quite ridiculous, and a gigantic nerd to boot.
47. I Love Money (2008 - 2010) - With names like Whiteboy, Toastee, 12 Pack, Nibblz, It, Corn Fed, and Hot Wings, how can you not be enthralled? "I Love Money" is a competition reality show on VH1 that stars rejects from the "Love" shows such as "Flavor of Love" (which I refuse to watch) "Rock of Love" (which I never missed an episode) and "I Love New York" (which is a complete train wreck.) Normally I would not watch shows like this, but the people on these shows are just so insane and mentally unstable that it is quite entertaining. Watching people in their late 20's to early 30's act the way that these people act makes me realize that I have not done too bad for myself and it is always nice to get that reassurance every once in a while. Thanks for the self esteem boast VH1.
Unfortunately, due to the fact that one of the contestants from "I Love Money 3" allegedly killed his girlfriend, then killed himself, VH1 has decided to end "I Love Money" and go back to being an awful channel. Thanks a lot, guy. How selfish can you get?
46. The Wonder Years (1988 - 1993) - While I did love "The Wonder Years" it probably would have come in on the list a little higher if I was just a few years older. I remember not really understanding some of the show because I was not familiar with some of the references. Regardless, the show was completely different from anything else at the time and is widely know as one of the greatest shows of our time. I think the show was so successful because the characters were so relatable and you either loved them or hated them. With that being said, how could I NOT rank my favorite main characters on the Wonder Years....
45. Pop Up Video (1996 - 2002) - About a month ago something life-changing happened to me. It was just suppose to be a typical day; a day like any other, but it turned out to be anything but typical. I was in San Diego International airport, alone, extremely hungover, and trying to put myself back together. A typical day. I bought an Entertainment Weekly magazine (the special Fall TV Preview that I pick up every year.) As I was perusing though the pages I stumbled upon the pullout Fall TV calender and that is when everything suddenly came to a screeching halt. Was I seeing correctly? Or were my barely open eyes playing tricks on me? After taking a big gulp of my delicious Jamba Juice (product placement????) and refocusing my eyes I realized it was not a dream. POP-UP VIDEO IS COMING BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, you heard it here first (unless you already heard it somewhere else.) The premiere is not months away, or weeks away. New Episodes of Pop Up Video will be on our television TOMORROW NIGHT 10/3/2011 at midnight. VH1 has ordered 60 New Episodes and life has just gotten a hell of a lot better.
If they replaced the sound of the bubbles popping I wont even watch it though, that is my favorite part. So lets keep our fingers crossed.
To hold us over until tomorrow night I have attached Meatloaf's Pop Up Video for "I Would Do Anything for Love, But I Won't Do That." Don't ask me why, it was the first video I saw on youtube.
First Beavis and Butthead return and now Pop Up Video. I am not sure I can take too much more excitement.
44. ER (1994 - 2009) - "ER" is one of my favorite Drama's of all time, 5th to be exact. Of the 15 seasons I probably only watched 8 or 9. I watched all through high school (1994 - 1998) probably zero times during college (1998 - 2003) and maybe 3 or 4 seasons post college. My point is, I grew up watching "ER" as did many of us. Sure, the story lines were a little ridiculous sometimes, but all in all I was often really entertained by it, and besides HBO/SHO dramas I don't really get into Dramas too much. ER's cast member list is one of the most impressive list of actors and actresses of any show ever. As a kid, watching "ER" made me consider becoming a doctor; it looked fun. However, as I have said before, the sight of blood, guts and bodily fluids sickens me and I came to terms with the fact that I would be the worst doctor of all time. Therefore, I became a teacher, and as luck would have it, have to listen to kids blow their disgusting noses by my desk six hours a day. Funny how things work.
43. Big Bang Theory (2007 - Current) - "Big Bang Theory" should be happy that I am making this list when I am. I was obsessed with the first few seasons and thought that it was one of the funniest shows I have ever seen. Last season, however, the show started to lose a little bit of its humor, and this year so far has been no different. I think that Jim Parsons who plays Sheldon, is one of the best comedic actors around today, but he can only do so much with the script he is given.
Something that drives me absolutely crazy about the "Big Bang Theory" is the laugh track. It has almost ruined the show for me. The laugh track for this show is way too obnoxious and in your face. I'm sorry, but I don't need a laugh track to tell me that something is funny and I should be laughing. The four best comedies on television right now The Middle (which I wish I placed MUCH higher on this list than I did because it is hysterical), Modern Family, The Office, and Parks and Recreation all do not have laugh tracks and it is much more pleasurable. For those of you that watch "Big Bang Theory" listen for it next time you watch it and you will see what I mean. I apologize in advance for making you not love the show anymore.
With all that being said, the show is still very funny at times, and has moments of brilliance. Those moments are just few and far between now.
It does, however, have the best theme song on television (which I have memorized every word to the extended version by Barenaked Ladies and have sang it to my middle school students many many times.)
42. America's Funniest Home Videos (1989 - Present) - I don't really remember a time before "America's Funniest Home Videos." This was the one show that my parents, my brother and I always watched every Sunday night. How could you NOT love this show? In my opinion there is absolutely nothing funnier on the entire planet than watching people fall or mildly injure themselves. A half hour of watching videos that show people falling or injuring themselves is just pure television gold.
This show could easily be my favorite show of all time if it was not for one thing. I hate more than anything the videos where people are faking or reenacting. It drives me crazy and it is difficult to watch. I have a uncanny ability to spot "fake" videos and it really turns me off. Also, while absolutely hysterical to watch, when are the middle aged, overweight woman in our country going to learn that they should not be water skiing? Leave that to the young, fit people that are not going to face plant off the dock and into the muddy, murky water. Smarten up ladies.
41. California Dreams (1992 - 1996) - I am not sure why I loved this show so much, but I did, and have no remorse. It was my Saturday morning ritual to stumble out of bed, have about 2 bites of toast, and watch "California Dreams" and "Saved by the Bell" before heading off to one of my Swim Meets. Many of you may not remember this show, but I suggest you check out the opening and refresh your memory. If you don't recall the theme song (which is without a doubt one of the greatest theme songs of all time) then you probably have never seen the show, which makes me very sad for you.
Seasons 3-5
Season 1
OK. Maybe Kelly Packard had a LOT to do with my love of the show, but it was about being in a band, and what kid doesn't dream of being in a band? Here is a reunion that the cast did last year on the Jimmy Fallon show. If I had known this was taken place I would have given up my first born son to be in the audience.
That seriously might be the most depressing video clip I have ever seen in my life. Why do people have to get old?
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