*** I am referring to peer pressure when it comes to pop culture. Not peer pressure when it comes to everyday life. I actually may be the worst succumber to peer pressure in the world. I can't really say no to anything. I feel real bad when I have to say no to people. I often find myself sitting at a bar having a beer even when I do not feel like drinking just to avoid having to say no to the person who desperately wanted to have a beer with me. I can't say no to homeless people when they are begging me for change. I can't say no to people that want me to buy things; infomercials, kiosk workers, door-to-door salesman, etc. Even just today, I went to Rite Aid to buy some blank CD's and I got pressured into getting the FLU shot, (which I didn't even want) just because the nice pharmacy lady asked me and seemed to really want to give someone a flu shot.***
Anyway, what does this have to do with Seinfeld? Well, while I do really like Seinfeld, I feel as though I may have placed it this high because of how classic the show is. If you didn't like "Seinfeld" in high school than you might as well have joined the choir and worn suspenders and pocket protectors to school.
As I said before, I did like "Seinfeld", and still do, however, I feel as though I was pressured into liking it and am unsure if I would have liked it as much if I was locked in a room, cut off from everyone else, and could simply just have decided for myself as to how much I liked it.
29. You Can't Do That on Television (1981 - 1990) I DON'T KNOW (AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! Green Slime) why I like "You Can't Do That on Television" so much, but I do. Actually, I do know why, because it is AWESOME!!!!! I just wanted to begin my write up with the phrase "I Don't Know" because, as you may know, every time anyone said "I Don't Know" on the show, they got the iconic green slime dumped on them.
I found a quite ridiculous article about former cast members having a serious disease they refer to as "GSS" or Green Slime Syndrome." It is quite interesting, but just a little hard to believe. I mean, Alanis Morissette is pretty super-human, but if she is fine (she was a child actor on the show) than I question whether GSS is just a ploy.
Here are just a few of my favorite parts of a typical YCDTOT episode, including its brilliant opening.
I Don't Know / Water Scene
Introduction to the Opposites
Barf's / Firing Squad
I think CBS/NBC/ABC really needs to consider picking up this show for the 2012-2013 television season. A comeback is definitely in order. Maybe they couldn't do that on television in the 80's, but they certainly CAN do that (and more) on television in 2011.
28. Hell's Kitchen (2005 - Present) - For whatever reason I don't find many things funnier on TV than when Gordan Ramsey loses his cool on "Hell's Kitchen" and calls an overweight female contestant a fat cow or even funnier, a Donkey, and she (and everyone else) is fine with it. Gordan Ramsey is literally one of my favorite people of all time, but I am not too sure how he can get away with calling these people awful, hurtful names and they still respect and love him.
One thing I hate about "Hell's Kitchen" is how absolutely terrible the contestants are. Granted there are a few really good chefs in the mix, but typically the first 5 or 6 people eliminated seem like they are plucked right off the streets. I also marvel over the fact that apparently a pre-requisite for being on the show is that you must be a chain-smoker and if you are a female chef, you can not be attractive what-so-ever.
Each year I think about applying to the show. I would simply make a video, tell them I am a teacher and have absolutely zero cooking skills, however, I will pick up the habit of smoking a pack a day, AND the only thing I will practice cooking for the next month will be scallops, beef-wellington, and risotto. They is NO WAY they would not pick me. Mostly all it takes to get real far in the competition is to make really good risotto, and not bring Chef Ramsey RAW scallops. If there is one thing Chef Ramsey HATES with a passion, it is a raw scallop.
WARNING - Extremely awful language. Mom, please do not watch. I know you already do not like him, and this will make you not like him even more, and that would just hurt my feelings. He really is a nice guy, you just need to get to know him, or win a reward challenge and go on a helicopter ride with him. He is a real softy. With that being said, this video is HILARIOUS and I love him even more now.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHHAHAHAAHHAHAHA. He is going to drop dead one of these days and I will bet all the money in my bank account that his final words will be "IT'ssssssssssssss raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwww."
27. Married... With Children (1987 - 1997) - Just about the entire Bundy family would make my list of my top 100 Television Characters of all time. Kelly, Al, Peggy, and Bud are all classic characters and impossible to forget. Al Bundy probably had the worst life of any character in television history. The show does such a great job at making the viewer have the utmost sympathy for him and his circumstances. He is a complete jerk and always miserable, but you can't help but love the guy. Wait, did I just describe myself???
This may be difficult, but I am going to give it a shot...
Favorite "Married... With Children" Characters
Marcy D'Arcy - Maybe the greatest name ever, but she would be a serious contender to top my "Least favorite person of all time" list.
Steve Rhodes - Wow, I really hated him too.
Buck Bundy - It is no secret that I am not a huge animal guy, but I want him. I LOVE old, old, old dogs that just lie around and do nothing. They don't jump on you, they don't bark, they don't really even move. If anyone has an old, old, old, dog that they don't want anymore, I am in the market for one.
Bud Bundy - He was kid of a loser, but a really cool loser thanks to his hot sister.
Jefferson 'Arcy - I love how much he used and hated Macy D'Arcy. Also, he is lazy and dim-witted. Oh, and quite handsome to boot. Just saying.
Peg Bundy - Totally annoying, but absolutely hysterical. Tell me she does not look JUST like the lady in the B-52's. Especially in the "Love Shack" video. Why have I never made this connection until now???
Kelly Bundy - Just because she is hot and dumb does not make her my automatic favorite. But, it certainly doesn't hurt.
A true American Icon. I miss him.
26. Pee-Wee's Playhouse (1986 - 1990) - Nope, I am not even remotely embarrassed about having "Pee-wee's Playhouse" as my 26th favorite show of all time. I don't care what you think about me or how your perception of me has changed. "Pee-wee's Playhouse" was a huge part of my life for 5 years and I will never pretend that it wasn't. I can think of few moments in my entire life where I was more excited to watch something than I was every Saturday morning sitting down to watch this gem. I am simply going to pretend that Pee-Wee Herman is not Paul Reubens and that Paul Reubens never did anything wrong in his life. I really think that the news reporters should have kept Paul Reubens "incident" private and not ruined the lives of Pee-Wee Herman fans. Why did they have to do that to us. Is nothing sacred anymore?
This may be the ultimate Sophie's Choice, but I am going to list my favorite Pee-Wee Herman toys.
Clockey - Best Clock Ever!?
Dinosaur Family. So F*****G cute!!!!!!!!
Mr. Window - He had the all important job of introducing visitors to Pee-wee's playhouse, like Reba, the mail lady, Cowboy Curtis, and my personal favorite, Ms. Yvonne, my first love.
Globey - Globey would often assist Pee-wee with important Geography, History and Language questions. I sure could have used Globey in my class when I taught 7th grade Geography. That sure would have saved me some embarrassing "Uhhhhhhhhh, I Don't Know's" when asked a particularly difficult question from a smart, know-it-all student.
Conky - Without Conky, we would never get the "secret word" of the day. Every time Pee-wee said the "secret word" he would scream like a lunatic and I, in turn, would laugh my head off like a lunatic.
Jambi - Jambi was the nice genie head that would always grant Pee-wee his wishes. What a guy. Jambi gave us the catchphrase "Mecca-lecca-hi-mecca-hiney-ho" which I feel like my cousins, brother and I still use quite often. Is that weird for a bunch of thirty-something year old guys???
Pterri - Pterri and Pee-wee were BFF's and I was always jealous of how close they were. Pterri was such a nice pterodactyl and was very innocent and sensitive (he was also terrified of thunderstorms, the poor thing.) Pterri was often picked on by the mean bully Randy, who, needless to say, did not make my list of favorite Pee-wee toys.
Penny - I think I always had a little crush on Penny. I don't care that she was made of clay and her eyes were copper pennies. She was still kind of cute and I knew no better when I was nine.
Chairry - I want, no let me rephrase that, I NEED a Chairry more than I need any useless thing I can think of. I would put Chairry right in my living room and sit in it every night and let it hug me and I would hug it back. If you think I am kidding, or exaggerating, you clearly do not know me. If someone could do some research and find me my very own Chairry I would be forever indebted to you.
Now that I just spent over an hour and a half of my life writing about "Pee-wee's Playhouse" I will conclude by attaching what is one of the greatest television openings of all time. Enjoy!
I will never get tired of watching that. EVER!