A little known fact about the show is that the family is loosely based on the Cowsill family, from none other than Rhode Island, USA.
Favorite Character - Laurie Partridge (Susan Dey)
Least Favorite Character (and human being of all time) - Danny Partridge (Danny Bonaduce)
David Cassidy lived the dream for about 30 years, and may have just ruined it by his appearance on Celebrity Apprentice, in which he was called short, petite, and weak by the one and only Richard Hatch. CLASSIC!
99. ALF (1986 - 1990) - As I have mentioned in previous posts, should I ever make a countdown of my favorite aliens of all time, Alf will more than likely be at the top of the list. That sounds very impressive and one might think that I am very fond of Alf and maybe even reminisce about Alf on a regular basis. However, I am not a big fan of aliens at all and saying Alf is my favorite alien is like saying a Saab is my favorite car. As many of you know I could not care any less about cars and know absolutely nothing about them. I am pretty sure I am in the bottom 2 percentile for American men when it comes to knowing about cars or even remotely caring about cars.
With that being said, congrats Alf on being my favorite alien, I guess.
Favorite Character - Alf
Least Favorite Character - Dad
Alf tries to eat the cat. How the creative writing team did not win multiple awards is beyond me.
98. Law & Order SVU (1999 - Present) - I don't think I have ever said the name of this show out loud and not said SUV. For some reason I make the mistake of saying SUV rather than SVU EVERY single time I am talking about this show.
This is a show that I do not watch on a regular basis, nor do I DVR it. If I see it, I see it. If I don't, I couldn't care any less. Sometimes I accidentally see it because it will come on after a show that I truly care about and am sometimes still staring at the screen because I more than likely can not find my remote control and certainly am not getting up to look for it.
At the current moment SUV, I mean, SVU has the unfortunate time slot of 9 - 10 on Wednesday nights. I am as booked as a person can possibly be with television on Wednesday nights, therefore, I have not, nor will I be watching any SVU for this television season. In fact, I am so booked on Wednesday nights that I sometimes consider taking Thursday out of work just so I can properly watch all the shows and not have the burden of knowing I need to get up and educate the youth of America in a few short hours.
Favorite Characters (tie - I can't choose between them, don't make me) Detective Stabler (Chris Meloni) and Detective Benson (Mari%katea&5 Hraiget93arexya) - Her name is real hard to say and spell, so I guessed. I am pretty sure there are numbers and symbols in her name though.
Least favorite character -
97. Out of This World (1987 - 1991) - OK, whoever created this show must have been on a lot of drugs, and I mean a LOT of drugs while creating it. There are two things everyone always thinks of when they talk about this show. The first one is AWESOME, and it made me wish that I was Evie. She could put her two index fingers together, at any time, and everything would pause around her. Time would stand still, people would freeze, it was unbelievably awesome. I remember my brother and I use to pretend we were Evie and one of us would put their fingers together and the other would freeze (I am sure my brother will adamantly deny this because he had become a teenager while the show was airing, and I was still in my late 0's to early 10's, but we did Cory, and you know it.)
The second thing people remember is that her father was a rock. Not built like a rock, he was a rock.
Well, technically he was an alien, and he communicated with her through a rock, but when you are 7 years old and a girl is talking into a rock and calling it dad, it is pretty confusing and a little bit scary.
Favorite Character - Dad (A Rock)
96. Dukes of Hazzard (1979 - 1985) - I am sure my brother will not deny this claim, because this one is actually cool. I remember being at my grandparents and watching this with my brother (who was obsessed with the Dukes of Hazzard.) We use to play air guitar while standing on my grandparents couch (during the opening song.) At the very end of the opening, when the car goes flying through the air, we would jump off the couch. We had so much fun doing that.
If we were kids today I am sure we would rewind the intro hundreds of times before we finally tired. I remember always jumping farther than my brother and he would get mad and we would have to do it again. I was even a better jumper than he was when I was 3.
OK, I made that last part up, but it is probably true. I guess it doesn't matter though, the only thing that truly matters is who can jump off a couch farther today, and the answer is obviously me.
Favorite Character - Daisy Duke
Least Favorite Character - Boss Hog
As if I needed to say that.
95. Joe Millionaire (2003) - This list will obviously be filled to the max with guilty pleasures; and Joe Millionaire is no exception. As many of you know, I love ANY elimination reality show. There could be an elimination reality show about 15 people sitting in a room and playing the silent game, and each episode ends with someone that talked being eliminated, and I would watch it and more than likely bet money on it. I have watched multiple seasons, and won hundreds of dollars from Project Runway (and I hate fashion and everything about it) just because it was an elimination show. I watch every cooking elimination show on TV and I don't like cooking, just to try and win some cash.
I have to admit, I watched Joe Millionaire on my own accord, with no gambling, and no pressure from anyone else. I loved the concept of the show and kept tuning in each week just to see the expression on the winning girl's face; thinking she was going to be a millionaire, only to find out that her suitor was a farmer, or whatever he was.
The finale of Joe Millionaire was watched by over 40 million people and remains to this day, one of the most watched television shows of all time.
There was a second season, but to nobody's surprise, it was an epic failure and the show was quickly tossed.
Nobody can compare with Evan Marriott. NOBODY! In my eyes, he will forever be the one and ONLY Joe Millionaire.
Favorite Character -
Least Favorite Character -
94. Empty Nest (1988 - 1995) - This spin off of The Golden Girls was a Saturday night staple for many years of my adolescence. Most Saturdays my brother and I would have a sleepover at our grandparents house. We would watch Golden Girls, Empty Nest, play with our wrestlers, and try to stay awake for Saturday Nights Main Event (I think I was successful about two times over the course of seven years (1985 - 1992.)
Although I really could not stand any of the daughters, and did not find Dr. Harry too humorous, I did love the dog. I am not really an animal guy, but for some reason I was very partial to Dreyfuss, the family pet.
The show really began to fizzle out its last few seasons, and even Estelle Getty reprising her role as Sophia Petrillo for the last two season could not save it from its inevitable demise.
Favorite Character - Dreyfuss
Least Favorite Character -
I guess I liked them all back in the day, but looking at this photo, I think it is impossible to choose my least favorite (I am thinking it is a five way tie.) By the way, who the hell is that girl in the back? I am assuming she is the long lost daughter, who magically appeared when the mean sister left the show.
The thought of watching five minutes of this show today, as a thirty-one year old man is nauseating, but I sure did love watching in when I was a child. Sometimes I hate 8 year old Ryan.
93. My Two Dads (1987 - 1990) Ginger vs. Maryanne. Betty vs. Veronica. and now Michael vs. Joey. Everyone that watched this show preferred one of the dads over the other. I obviously liked the fun, carefree, party guy, Joey.
I remember watching the episode in which the guys did a DNA test to find out who was really Nicole's dad. I could barely watch. The thought of nerdy, brainy, Michael (Paul Reiser) being the real dad was just about too much for me to handle........ We never did find out the real identity of Nicole's dad, but I like how twenty five years later I still wonder.
I am not sure people remember this, but this show was actually a spin off of Night Court, which surprisingly did not make the list. It was considered, but fell just short of the coveted top 100.
Favorite Character -
Least Favorite Character -
God I miss that theme song.
92. Blossom (1990 - 1995) WHOOOOOOA! (Joey Lawrence voice) I am pretty sure Blossom made the cut for two reasons. #1 - I like saying Mayim Bialik, who was obviously the lead role and #2 - I liked when Joey Lawrence said Whoa! Actually, let me be more specific. I liked when Joey Lawrence said "Whoa!" (about three times an episode) for about one season. I think by season two I would cringe every time he said it. Now that a couple of decades have passed, I think I really like it again. I, however, have never tired of saying "Whoa!" or being amongst friends that say "Whoa!"; I find it hilarious.
Favorite Character - Year 1/2 - Joey, Year 3-6 - Six (the slutty friend of Blossom)
Least Favorite Character - The awful dad
91. Gilligan's Island (1964 - 1967) - How lucky can people get? They only paid for a THREE HOUR vacation and they got years and years on a beautiful all-inclusive island. I can not think of anything better. The show ended after only three seasons and they never even got off the island. There was suppose to be a fourth season so the writers left them on the island at the end of season three. Season four was then canceled and we as far as we know, they are all dead on the island now. I know, it is not pleasant to think about, but let's face it, it is a very real possibility.
Mini list within a list time.
Favorite Gilligan's Characters of all time.
#7 - Mr. Howell - He was a pretty mean guy at times, but he was old can you blame him?
#6 - Skipper - He was pretty mean at times, but he was fat, can you blame him?
#5 - Ginger - Way too prissy for me. I guess even the actress that played her was kind of nasty.
# 4 - Gilligan - Shocker, I know. He was pretty annoying even though I am probably very similar to him.
#3 - Mrs. Howell - What a sweet old lady. I hope she is still alive because I don't want to think about Mrs. Howell being dead...... On second thought, she would now be 111 years old and that is gross, so nevermind, I hope she is dead.
#2 - The Professor - He is still alive, and ever the ladies man, is on his third wife. Although he has been married to the third one for almost 30 years, so it looks like the professor has settled down in his later years.
#1 - Mary Ann - She is still alive, and I believe single, so there is still a chance just yet!
There was actually a reality show called the Real Gilligan's Island (2 seasons to be exact) and I really liked it a lot, but unfortunately it did not make the list. I feel awful about it, I really do.
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