50. You and I by Lady Gaga - As I have said earlier, I try real hard to not like Lady Gaga's music. Reason being is that once I find myself smitten with a Lady Gaga song it is nearly impossible for me to not sing along. There are only so many popular radio stations here in Rhode Island, and when you see someone screaming along to a song next to you while driving down the highway it is not too difficult to find what song they are signing to and either rock along with them, or laugh at them because they are signing along to such a ridiculous tune. I used to be embarrassed to sing along with "You and I" but through time I have come to accept the fact that I like Lady Gaga and do not care if people laugh at me when I sing along. This song also comes on in class just about everyday that I let my fourth graders listen to a little background music. They used to laugh when I sang along, but now completely ignore me and chalk it up as their crazy teacher having major issues.
I would not expect anything less from Lady Gaga in her videos. Very odd.
49. Louder Than Ever by Cold War Kids - I have heard of the Cold War Kids before but never got around to giving them a listen. After listening to "Louder Than Ever" I feel like I need to go back and check out more of their work that I may have missed out on in the past. I am usually a very sympathetic person, however, whenever anyone says anything about someone being hard of hearing or deaf, I often make a joke and say "what?" or "excuse me?" as if I did not hear the person.
Example #1
Other Person - It was so loud in the backseat of the car, I couldn't hear anything.
Me - "What did you say"
Other Person - It was so loud in the backseat of the car, I couldn't hear anything.
Me - Excuse me, I can't hear you.
Me - What?
Other person - I hate you
Me - hahahahahhahahhahahahahahahhahahaha hahhahahahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahaha
Now that I know "Louder Than Ever" I may have to use some of it in my next deaf person joke. Maybe after saying "what?" three times, I will now say "Now I can hear you louder than ever" just like Cold War Kids.
48. A Million Years by Alexander - I always became very excited when this song came on while I was bartending. The song can make you happy even when you have 80 drunks screaming your name for you to get them a Pina Colada and a Corona with lime........... And an ice water. After watching the video for "A Million Years" it is abundantly clear that Alexander (or whoever produced the video) was on a tremendous amount of drugs when he thought up of the concept. Just watching the video makes me feel like I have been on a week long drug ecscapade.
47. Paradise by Coldplay - It is not often that I like a Coldplay song upon first listening, but "Paradise" really sucked me in the first time. I have never liked Chris Martin more after watching the video for "Paradise." It is about a man (Martin) dressed in an elephant costume. He decides to leave his home in London to find his paradise; the African safari. When Martin finally reaches his paradise his band mates are also dressed in elephant costumes and playing their instruments. It is probably my favorite video of the year and is a must watch if you are bored (which you must be if you are reading this.) the video will make you will love the song even more than you already may.
46. Shake Me Down by Cage the Elephant - The song was technically released last November, but the video did not come out until January and the song was not eligible for last years countdown, so it had to make this years. This is the second of three Cage the Elephant songs to make the countdown, and ironically, the second relation to elephants in as many videos. Maybe somebody should have "caged the elephant" in the last video. Hahahahahhahhahahhahahahahahhaahhahahhahahaha
This video is pretty awesome as well. It was nominated for Best Rock Video at the 2011 MTV Video Music Awards, but ultimately lost out to something much more deserving (which you will be reading about in a few days.)
45. Promises, Promises by Incubus - Incubus never changes. This song could have fit in on any of their last few albums, yet still they always sound modern and current. "Promises, Promises" may not be anyone's favorite song of the year, but I can't imagine anyone not liking the song. It is a really well-written, thought provoking song that most everyone can relate to. "Promises, Promises" proves to me that Incubus is way more than just a 90's rock band that has faded away; they are extremely talented guys that will hopefully be around for another few decades.
44. Get it Daddy by Sleeper Agent - I have never heard of Sleeper Agent before "Get it Daddy" but if this song is any indication of how much potential they have then I am very excited to hear what they do next. Sleeper Agent, however, could very easily go the way of becoming one hit wonders if they do not jump upon the success of "Get It Daddy." They actually seem like really cool kids and I hope to hear a lot more of them in 2012. If by the end of 2012 we do not get any more Sleeper Agent gems then I think it will be pretty safe to say we may never hear from them again. Another song like "Get It Daddy" could catapult them into mainstream rock and Sleeper Agent could be a band to watch out for in the alt. rock world.
43. Comin' Home with Me by Chase Rice - As I said in my previous post Chase Rice is my favorite person of 2011. "Comin' Home with Me" is the second of FIVE Chase Rice songs to make the countdown this year. I love songs that go through stages of someones life (Garth Brooks' "Unanswered Prayers", Carrie Underwood's "All-American Girl", and Kenny Chesney's "There Goes My Life" are a few that come to mind) and "Comin' Home with Me" is as good as any. Chase Rice should be a superstar in the country music scene, and hopefully 2012 will be his year to shine even brighter.
42. Lost in My Mind by The Head and the Heart - I talk about music with a lot of people and I have never heard of anyone not really liking this song. It has a little something for everyone; rock fans, country fans, folk fans, and pop fans all get their fix from this beautiful song. It is nearly impossible to not sing along with the "Whahooooooooo oooooooo ooooooo, Whahooooo oooooooooooooooooooo" part. Even bar patrons were participating by the end of the summer as they kept hearing myself, my co-bar tender, Erin, and my bar back Joey, signing along. Go buy this album and don't worry how scary the album cover is, you'll get use to it.
41. Every Teardrop is a Waterfall by Coldplay - This is my favorite Coldplay song since Viva La Vida and is definetly in my top 5 favorite Coldplay songs of all time ("Fix You" easily wins that race.) Like most Coldplay songs I have no idea what Chris Martin is talking about, but I could not care any less. Chris Martin could sing a Chinese Food Take Out menu and I would still love it and try to sing along. I can't think of any artist that I have grown to love more than Chris Martin. I never really liked the guy (and I have no idea why) but this year he really grew on me and now I think he is one of the most talented musicians of our day. I have never wanted to go to a Coldplay concert more than I currently do, and hope I get that chance someday in the near future. I do feel that it is crucial to be near the very front of the stage at a Coldplay concert as I would feel like a complete idiot jumping up and down to Coldplay songs while sitting in the last row if the balcony.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Monday, December 26, 2011
Favorite Songs of 2011
This year, rather than only choosing 50 songs from 95.5 WBRU to make my list of favorite songs of the year, I decided to use 50 songs from WBRU AND add in my favorite 25 songs that are not played on WBRU (a few country tunes, some embarrassing Lady Gaga tunes, and a few folk rock gems.) There was a lot of music I enjoyed this year that did not get played on 95.5 and it would not be fair for me to not include them when ranking my favorite music of the year. So, for the first time, this years countdown will feature my 75 favorite songs of the year rather than my top 50. I will, however, not bore you with a write-up of 75 songs. I will simply list them, include the video if possible, and move the countdown along. Once I get to the top 25 or 50, I will go into more depth about why I love the song. Enjoy!
75. Adolescents by Incubus
The first of two Incubus songs on the countdown.
74. Somebody I Use to Know by Gotye
I am so glad I found Gotye this year. This guy's voice is unbelievable.
73. Replica by Big Talk
Great song, great video, great album, from the great RonnieVannucci (drummer from The Killers.)
72. Irresistible Force by Jane's Addiction
This could very well be my favorite Jane's Addiction song of all time.
71. Pumped Up Kicks by Foster the People
75. Adolescents by Incubus
The first of two Incubus songs on the countdown.
74. Somebody I Use to Know by Gotye
I am so glad I found Gotye this year. This guy's voice is unbelievable.
73. Replica by Big Talk
Great song, great video, great album, from the great RonnieVannucci (drummer from The Killers.)
72. Irresistible Force by Jane's Addiction
This could very well be my favorite Jane's Addiction song of all time.
71. Pumped Up Kicks by Foster the People
I loved the song for quite a while, but grew very tired of it after hearing it all day every day. Still, it deserves a spot on the countdown.
70. Curl of the Burl by Mastodon
Most of their stuff is way too hard core for me, but I really enjoy this tune.
69. Options by Gomez
"Options" is a feel good song. If you don't smile while listening to it, then you are a pretty miserable person.
68. Help is on the Way by Rise Against
Another solid track from Rise Against. They can't release a bad song.
67. Aberdeen by Cage the Elephant
The first of three Cage the Elephant songs on this years countdown.
66. The Sound of Winter by Bush
Bush is back!
65. Young Blood by The Naked and Famous
I pretty much have no idea what they are singing in this song, but nevertheless I make up my own lyrics and sing along.
64. Helena Beat by Foster the People
I have no idea why I am so harsh on Foster the People, but I am. Maybe I will like them more in 2012.
63. After Midnight by Blink 182
I am very happy that Blink is back. They were gone for way too long.
62. Whirring by The Joy Formidable
Pretty terrifying video, but awesome song.
61. Dominio by Jessie J
She scared the hell out of me when she sat on stage and sang with a broken leg at the MTV VMA's but I am no longer scared of her, and really, really like "Dominio" a lot.
60. Block After Block by Matt and Kim
I have never been a huge Matt and Kim fan, but I think that has now changed.
59. Got it All by Portugal. The Man
Great year for Portugal. The Man
58. Don't Gotta Work It Out by Fitz and the Tantrums
I was obsessed with this song for a few weeks this summer. The entire album is enjoyable. I strongly suggest purchasing it at some point in the near future.
57. Dark Horses by Switchfoot
Not my favorite song on the album, but Switchfoot can do no wrong in my eyes.
56. Junk of the Heart (Happy) by The Kooks
If you just listened to that I am pretty sure you are still smiling.
55. All I Want by A Day to Remember
If you need to get pumped up, this is the song for you.
54. Honey Bee by Blake Shelton
My first country song to make the countdown. Blake Shelton is pretty damn cool.
53. New Low by Middle Class Rut
"New Low" is a new high for Middle Class Rut as far as I am concerned.
52. Girls of the SEC by Chase Rice
I am pretty sure Chase Rice is my favorite person of the year. He made the countdown FIVE times. More than any other artist. I love everything this guy does. If you haven't heard him yet, go buy all his songs on ITunes right now. Even if Country Music is not really your thing, I am pretty sure you will dig him.
51. Take It Or Leave It by Sublime with Rome
It is difficult to enjoy this song when it is 30 degrees outside. Sublime is a summertime band to the extreme.
Top 50 songs will be my usual lengthy write-ups and explanations as to why each song made it on the countdown! I try to post 50-40 tomorrow!
Favorite Album of 2011 (3-1)
I can not stress enough that all three of these albums are worthy of being called my favorite album of the year. They are the epitome of "all killer, no filler." If you are not hip and don't get what that means; each track on the album is a killer song, and none of the tracks are "filler" just to have enough tracks to make an album. Dummy.
3. Viva Brother, Famous First Words

Famous First Words is probably my favorite album name of the year. Releasing your first CD and naming it Famous First Words is a stroke of genius. Not too surprisingly, I happened to be listening to WBRU the first time they ever played Viva Brother on the radio. Their first single, "Darling Buds of May" is such a ridiculous song, but catchy as hell and I found my girlfriend and myself singing along before the song was over. It wasn't long before I purchased the CD and was very impressed. Famous First Words is a perfect mixture of ten beautiful, exciting, fist-pumping tunes, and put together in such a nice neat little package. Maybe it is because it is only ten songs, but this CD always seems to fly by. I pop it into my CD player, NEVER hit the skip button, and way too soon it is back to number one again. I suppose the only problem I have with it is I wish it had two more tracks.
I had the pleasure of seeing them in concert a few months back at The Met, which is a VERY small venue. They killed it, and even though I was probably the only fool singing alone to every single song, they got the small crowd pumped up in no time at all.
I hope the these guys move to the States for good and release another album real soon because if not I may have to fly to Slough, England to get my Viva Brother fix.
BUY THIS ALBUM. Or steal it. I don't care. Just get it.
"New Year's Day" - If this song was officially release, it would probably be my favorite song of the year. It technically still is, but it can't make my favorite songs of the year list because of the strict guidelines that the owner of this site (me) puts on "Top Songs of the Year" lists.
Also, what is the over/under for how many times I listen to this song on New Years Day? I would say about 200.
"Time Machine" - I wish I had a time machine to take me back to October, 18th 2011 at The Met, the Viva Brother concert.
"Darling Buds of May" - "it is what it is" is my least favorite quote of all time, but when Viva Brother sings it, I love it.
2. Foo Fighters, Wasting Light

Unlike Viva Brother, Foo Fighters do not need me to talk about what a terrific band they are. I don't care if you like Rock music or not, if you can't admit how talented Foo Fighters are then you deserve to permanently lose your hearing.
I know this may be a bold statement to make, seeing as Foo Fighters are one of my favorite bands of all time, but I think Wasting Light is my favorite Foo Fighters album ever. And I LOVE just about all Foo Fighters albums. Besides "White Limo", which kind of scares me, every single track could be a hit single on the radio. "Rope", "Walk", and "These Days" were three huge radio hits, but it could just as easily have been "Back & Forth" which is impossible to listen to and not start moving your body back and forth, "A Matter of Time" which sounds much like old school Foo Fighters to me, or the epic, Kurt Cobain (Grohl's former band mate in Nirvana.) tribute, "I Should Have Known" which is about the suicide of his friend. The song also features Nirvana's other band mate, Krist Novoselic on bass and accordion, which is the coolest thing ever.
If "Rope", "Walk", and "These Days" still did not convince you to buy the album, you probably are not ever going to buy it, but you are missing out on a future classic album. I actually bought the Vinyl, CD, and downloaded "Rope" before the album was released. I know, I have issues.
I am not sure why, but I am obsessed with all Foo Fighters videos, no matter how simple they may be. "Rope"
"Walk" - OK, this is why I am obsessed with all Foo Fighter videos. I remember now.
"One of these days, your heart will stop and play its final beat" - Foo Fighters, "These Days"
PLEASE, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please watch this. This is one of the coolest things I've ever seen. The Kurt Cobain tribute song "I Should Have Known" on David Letterman, IN BLACK AND WHITE!!!!!
1. Grouplove, Never Trust a Happy Song

Grouplove's Never Trust a Happy Song and Foo Fighters Wasting Light went back and forth until the very end for the title. Literally, just this last second I made up my final decision. I think the ultimate reason I decided to put Foo at number two and give number one to Grouplove is because I have known Foo Fighters for so long and knew that I was going to obsess over their album before it even came out. With Grouplove, however, I never knew they existed before they released this debut album. Let's say this: if Wasting Light was Foo Fighters first album, I would have dropped dead of excitement. Never Trust a Happy Song utterly shocked me with how amazing it is.
It often takes me a very long time to get through the entire album because I usually play each track multiple times. The album is an amazing combination of songs, all of which are quite different, but one is just as mesmerizing as the next.
"Colours" was a huge hit this year, and "Tongue Tied" is now continuing to make its way up the charts.
"Tongue Tied"
I personally think the fun clap-along "Naked Kids" will be a top ten song if released. It is modern and sounds very similar to many of the alt. rock tracks that make it in the billboard top ten.
"Chloe" could make Ebenezer Scrooge smile like a little kid on Christmas morning, and make a 95 year old man get up and start dancing.
"Chloe" - Tell me that is not incredible.
And "Cruel and Beautiful World" is one of the most beautiful songs I have ever heard in my entire life.
I honestly could rave about every track on the album and would not do it justice. Hopefully by me placing the album at number one proves to you how terrific it is and persuaded some of you to pick it up. There is no excuse for you to not own this album. I'll even buy the damn thing for you, you cheap bastards.
Right after Christmas I will return with my highly anticipated, annual list of my top 50 songs of the year. This year, however, there will be a major new twist in the countdown! You'll just have to wait a few days and see what it is!
Merry Christmas all.
Rock on!~
3. Viva Brother, Famous First Words
Famous First Words is probably my favorite album name of the year. Releasing your first CD and naming it Famous First Words is a stroke of genius. Not too surprisingly, I happened to be listening to WBRU the first time they ever played Viva Brother on the radio. Their first single, "Darling Buds of May" is such a ridiculous song, but catchy as hell and I found my girlfriend and myself singing along before the song was over. It wasn't long before I purchased the CD and was very impressed. Famous First Words is a perfect mixture of ten beautiful, exciting, fist-pumping tunes, and put together in such a nice neat little package. Maybe it is because it is only ten songs, but this CD always seems to fly by. I pop it into my CD player, NEVER hit the skip button, and way too soon it is back to number one again. I suppose the only problem I have with it is I wish it had two more tracks.
I had the pleasure of seeing them in concert a few months back at The Met, which is a VERY small venue. They killed it, and even though I was probably the only fool singing alone to every single song, they got the small crowd pumped up in no time at all.
I hope the these guys move to the States for good and release another album real soon because if not I may have to fly to Slough, England to get my Viva Brother fix.
BUY THIS ALBUM. Or steal it. I don't care. Just get it.
"New Year's Day" - If this song was officially release, it would probably be my favorite song of the year. It technically still is, but it can't make my favorite songs of the year list because of the strict guidelines that the owner of this site (me) puts on "Top Songs of the Year" lists.
Also, what is the over/under for how many times I listen to this song on New Years Day? I would say about 200.
"Time Machine" - I wish I had a time machine to take me back to October, 18th 2011 at The Met, the Viva Brother concert.
"Darling Buds of May" - "it is what it is" is my least favorite quote of all time, but when Viva Brother sings it, I love it.
2. Foo Fighters, Wasting Light
Unlike Viva Brother, Foo Fighters do not need me to talk about what a terrific band they are. I don't care if you like Rock music or not, if you can't admit how talented Foo Fighters are then you deserve to permanently lose your hearing.
I know this may be a bold statement to make, seeing as Foo Fighters are one of my favorite bands of all time, but I think Wasting Light is my favorite Foo Fighters album ever. And I LOVE just about all Foo Fighters albums. Besides "White Limo", which kind of scares me, every single track could be a hit single on the radio. "Rope", "Walk", and "These Days" were three huge radio hits, but it could just as easily have been "Back & Forth" which is impossible to listen to and not start moving your body back and forth, "A Matter of Time" which sounds much like old school Foo Fighters to me, or the epic, Kurt Cobain (Grohl's former band mate in Nirvana.) tribute, "I Should Have Known" which is about the suicide of his friend. The song also features Nirvana's other band mate, Krist Novoselic on bass and accordion, which is the coolest thing ever.
If "Rope", "Walk", and "These Days" still did not convince you to buy the album, you probably are not ever going to buy it, but you are missing out on a future classic album. I actually bought the Vinyl, CD, and downloaded "Rope" before the album was released. I know, I have issues.
I am not sure why, but I am obsessed with all Foo Fighters videos, no matter how simple they may be. "Rope"
"Walk" - OK, this is why I am obsessed with all Foo Fighter videos. I remember now.
"One of these days, your heart will stop and play its final beat" - Foo Fighters, "These Days"
PLEASE, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please watch this. This is one of the coolest things I've ever seen. The Kurt Cobain tribute song "I Should Have Known" on David Letterman, IN BLACK AND WHITE!!!!!
1. Grouplove, Never Trust a Happy Song
Grouplove's Never Trust a Happy Song and Foo Fighters Wasting Light went back and forth until the very end for the title. Literally, just this last second I made up my final decision. I think the ultimate reason I decided to put Foo at number two and give number one to Grouplove is because I have known Foo Fighters for so long and knew that I was going to obsess over their album before it even came out. With Grouplove, however, I never knew they existed before they released this debut album. Let's say this: if Wasting Light was Foo Fighters first album, I would have dropped dead of excitement. Never Trust a Happy Song utterly shocked me with how amazing it is.
It often takes me a very long time to get through the entire album because I usually play each track multiple times. The album is an amazing combination of songs, all of which are quite different, but one is just as mesmerizing as the next.
"Colours" was a huge hit this year, and "Tongue Tied" is now continuing to make its way up the charts.
"Tongue Tied"
I personally think the fun clap-along "Naked Kids" will be a top ten song if released. It is modern and sounds very similar to many of the alt. rock tracks that make it in the billboard top ten.
"Chloe" could make Ebenezer Scrooge smile like a little kid on Christmas morning, and make a 95 year old man get up and start dancing.
"Chloe" - Tell me that is not incredible.
And "Cruel and Beautiful World" is one of the most beautiful songs I have ever heard in my entire life.
I honestly could rave about every track on the album and would not do it justice. Hopefully by me placing the album at number one proves to you how terrific it is and persuaded some of you to pick it up. There is no excuse for you to not own this album. I'll even buy the damn thing for you, you cheap bastards.
Right after Christmas I will return with my highly anticipated, annual list of my top 50 songs of the year. This year, however, there will be a major new twist in the countdown! You'll just have to wait a few days and see what it is!
Merry Christmas all.
Rock on!~
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Favorite Albums of 2011 (5-4)
5. Deer Tick, Divine Providence

No, I do not just love Deer Tick and their latest album Divine Providence just because they are from Rhode Island. Deer Tick is a perfect blend or rock, folk, and blues, and has a sound that is so distinct that you can easily pick out a Deer Tick song after seconds of hearing it. I have to admit that this is the first Deer Tick CD that I purchased a hard copy of. I have downloaded a few songs here and there, but after sampling a few of the tracks off of Divine Providence , there was no way downloading the tracks would be acceptable. The album has a perfect mixture of songs you want to sing along to ("Funny Word", "Let's All Go to the Bar", and "Miss K." in particular) and songs you simply want to listen and relax to ("Clowin Around", "Main Street", and "Now It's Your Turn.")
Every Rhode Islander should own this CD and be proud that our little state is the home to such an amazing, talented band. Everybody that is NOT from RI needs to:
A) Learn that Rhode Island is an actual state and has nothing to do with New York
B) Buy this CD.
"Let's All Go to the Bar" - Since hearing this song for the first time I have not gone to a bar one time without either playing this song, or singing it in my head. This is a drinking anthem.
"Miss K." - This song literally makes me smile.
Incredibly awesome official video for "Main Street."
4. Brett Dennen, Loverboy

To be perfectly honest, there are a few songs on this album that I barely know. The only reason for this is because I can't stop listening to the same few songs over and over again. Loverboy was in my car CD player for about 95% of the summer and I am pretty sure that 90% of the time I was listening to it I was listening to "Sydney, I'll Come Running" or "Comeback Kid." These two songs would often come on when I was bartending and most everyone knew that I was going to be just about totally useless when they came on because I would first, run into the back and turn the radio as loud as it went, and two, sing along and play the air guitar the entire time.
I actually saw Brett Dennen in concert about two weeks after this CD was released. I did not yet own the CD so I could not sing along with any of the tracks on the album, but his performance immediately made me go buy it. I have been a Brett Dennen fan for a few years now after Michael, my roommate in Uganda, introduced his music to me and I loved him instantly. (Interestingly enough, Brett Dennen is VERY involved in the organization that I went to Uganda with to volunteer in their schools, Invisible Children. Just another reason why he is unbelievable.) If you don't know of Brett Dennen I beg you to download some of his tunes. The world is a much better place because of this guy!
If you watch this video and do not think it is insanely great, then I pretty much think you are an awful person and a complete idiot.
"Comeback Kid (That's My Dog)"
No, I do not just love Deer Tick and their latest album Divine Providence just because they are from Rhode Island. Deer Tick is a perfect blend or rock, folk, and blues, and has a sound that is so distinct that you can easily pick out a Deer Tick song after seconds of hearing it. I have to admit that this is the first Deer Tick CD that I purchased a hard copy of. I have downloaded a few songs here and there, but after sampling a few of the tracks off of Divine Providence , there was no way downloading the tracks would be acceptable. The album has a perfect mixture of songs you want to sing along to ("Funny Word", "Let's All Go to the Bar", and "Miss K." in particular) and songs you simply want to listen and relax to ("Clowin Around", "Main Street", and "Now It's Your Turn.")
Every Rhode Islander should own this CD and be proud that our little state is the home to such an amazing, talented band. Everybody that is NOT from RI needs to:
A) Learn that Rhode Island is an actual state and has nothing to do with New York
B) Buy this CD.
"Let's All Go to the Bar" - Since hearing this song for the first time I have not gone to a bar one time without either playing this song, or singing it in my head. This is a drinking anthem.
"Miss K." - This song literally makes me smile.
Incredibly awesome official video for "Main Street."
4. Brett Dennen, Loverboy
To be perfectly honest, there are a few songs on this album that I barely know. The only reason for this is because I can't stop listening to the same few songs over and over again. Loverboy was in my car CD player for about 95% of the summer and I am pretty sure that 90% of the time I was listening to it I was listening to "Sydney, I'll Come Running" or "Comeback Kid." These two songs would often come on when I was bartending and most everyone knew that I was going to be just about totally useless when they came on because I would first, run into the back and turn the radio as loud as it went, and two, sing along and play the air guitar the entire time.
I actually saw Brett Dennen in concert about two weeks after this CD was released. I did not yet own the CD so I could not sing along with any of the tracks on the album, but his performance immediately made me go buy it. I have been a Brett Dennen fan for a few years now after Michael, my roommate in Uganda, introduced his music to me and I loved him instantly. (Interestingly enough, Brett Dennen is VERY involved in the organization that I went to Uganda with to volunteer in their schools, Invisible Children. Just another reason why he is unbelievable.) If you don't know of Brett Dennen I beg you to download some of his tunes. The world is a much better place because of this guy!
If you watch this video and do not think it is insanely great, then I pretty much think you are an awful person and a complete idiot.
"Comeback Kid (That's My Dog)"
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Favorite Albums of 2011 (15 - 6)
15. Big Talk, Big Talk

Big Talk is the debut album from the band fronted by The Killers drummer, Ronnie Vannucci. Not since Dave Grohl (drummer for Nirvana) formed Foo Fighters have I been more excited about a drummer taking on the daunting task of lead singer. I have held Ronnie Vannucci in very high regard for many years, but this proves that he is not only an incredibly talented drummer, but he can shine just as bright as a lead singer. The only reason why I would want Big Talk to fail as a band would be because I don't want The Killers to have any reason to ever break up. Big Talk has, however, held me over during the painfully long amount of time the Killers have been working on their next album. There is not a bad song on the CD and there are at least 3 or 4 potential radio hits including their first release "Replica" which has a really cool and original music video. If this is what Ronnie Vannucci is doing during his Killers breaks, then maybe a little hiatus for the band every now and then is not the end of the world, which is how I often act upon discovering they are taking a break.
Such an awesome video. Ronnie Vannucci oozes coolness. If there was a pill I could take to be as cool as Ronnie Vannucci I would take twice the recommended dosage. I would overdose on coolness.
Another killer video. This song screams Nirvana to me. There is no reason this song should be ignored.
"A Fine Time to Need Me" is pretty impossible to not sing along to. After hearing it one time I felt like I have heard it for years.
14. Adele, 21

It may have taken me a little longer to jump on the Adele train than most people, but I am certainly happy that I boarded. 21 has been a record breaking commercial success and deserves all of the hype it has received. Every track on the album could be a radio hit. "Rumor Has It", a summertime staple at the Windjammer patio bar, was not even officially released as a single and it was still huge. I am pretty sure all of the tracks were on the top 200 best sellers on Itunes at some point this year. Old people love Adele, young people love Adele, women love Adele and men love Adele. Unfortunately for Adele most of 21 is about her heartbreak and depression after a devastating breakup with her boyfriend. I am only half kidding when I say that I hope Adele has the worst year of all time in 2012 and suffers even more heartbreak and anguish in order for her to make 23, which I am assuming will be the title of her next album.
"Someone Like You"
"One and Only"
How crazy is it that a song like this is one of the least known tracks on her album. That is a testament to how classic this album is and how talented she is. This track has one of the nicest vocals I have ever heard. Flawless.
13. The Decembrists, The King is Dead

The King is Dead is the Decemberists sixth studio album and the bands first to reach the number one spot on the Billboard charts. The wildly popular "This is Why We Fight" propelled the album to the top of the charts back in February. The track was by far the song that I heard the most this summer while bartending at the beach. Anytime anyone was even remotely annoyed at anyone else at work I would say "This is why, this is why we fight." For me, it never got old. The folk rock music that The Decemberists are known for has been gaining quite a lot of popularity thanks to last years release of Mumford & Sons album. Just about all the tracks on The King is Dead are fun and catchy. The entire album flows smoothly from one song to the next and listening to the album track by track is almost reminiscent of watching a movie; a really, really good movie.
"This is Why We Fight" - the soundtrack to our lives.
"Down by the Water"
12. Red Hot Chili Peppers, I'm With You

These guys can do no wrong. The Chili Peppers have been around for so long that each time they put out a new album I am convinced that it will be the one that shows their age. I'm With You did the opposite of that. It proves to me that the Chili Peppers will continue to release great music until they are dead. I have to admit that it took me a while to really start liking I'm With You, but once I gave it a fair chance it was obvious to me that they are still the Chili Peppers that I love. This is not my favorite Peppers album of all time, but very solid nevertheless. The first single "The Adventures of Rain Dance Maggie" is probably my favorite tune on the album, but songs like "Monarchy of Roses" (their next single), "Police Station" and "Even You, Brutus?" have the potential to be big hits. All in all I definitely recommend I'm With You, I am pretty sure you will not be let down.
"The Adventures of Rain Dance Maggie" - I pray that I am that cool when I grow up.
"Police Station" - I am sure all of the members of the Red Hot Chili Peppers have plenty of first hand experience at police stations.
11. M83., Hurry Up, We're Dreaming

I have just realized how eclectic my music taste has been this year. I am an obsessed alternative rock fan, but in just the first nine albums on the countdown I already have 2 female pop rock albums (Gaga and Adele), folk rockers (Decemberists and The Head and the Heart), singer-songwriter (Nathanson), and rockers (Coldplay, Big Talk, Red Hot Chili Peppers and OAR.) I will also have many country songs on my end of the year Best Songs of 2011 Countdown. M83., however, is in a league of its own. The "band" M83. is simply one very talented French man named Anthony Gonzalez. Hurry Up, We're Dreaming is an almost unprecedented double album. Gonzalez has said that he has always wanted to make a double album since the Smashing Pumpkins released Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness back in 1995. Each of the songs on the albums has a sister or brother song on the opposite album. It is quite remarkable and in my opinion is the best double album since Red Hot Chili Pepper's 2006 release of Stadium Arcadium.
If you are unfamiliar with M83 I strongly suggest you give them a listen. I pretty much despise dance and electronic music, but for some reason I completely fell in love with this album in just a day or two. Hurry Up, We're Dreaming makes you feel as though you are literally in another world, very far away from Earth, and a very long time from now. I can't ever remember an album mentally transporting me to another time and place as much as Hurry Up... does. Every time I hear the track "Train to Pluton" I get a mental image of me chilling on a train to Pluton, whatever the hell that is. Also, "Raconte-Moi Une Histoire" may be the coolest thing I have ever heard on a CD. It is a little girl reciting a messed up poem set to a killer track. Don't give up after listening just once. The reward for your perseverance will be 22 brilliant, mesmerizing, and unforgettable tunes.
"Raconte-Moi Une Histoire" - If you are not riveted by this, something is wrong with you. So creepy, so beautiful. It is pure genius.
10. Switchfoot, Vice Verses

Not only are the members of Switchfoot incredibly cool and nice (I won a contest a few years ago and got to eat dinner with them) they keep releasing one amazing CD after the other. I have to admit, I did not enjoy Vice Verses as much as their last album, Hello, Hurricane but it certainly was good enough for me to place in my top 10 albums of the year. Vice Verses also came with a live version of Hello Hurricane so it was 12 solid new tunes and 12 more than solid old tunes. The first single off of the album, "Dark Horses" is not even in my top 5 songs on the album.
Many people think of "Meant to Live" when they think of Switchfoot. "Meant to Live" is a great song, but much more "pop" than the Switchfoot as of late. My favorite track off of Vice Verses is probably "The War Inside" and it could not be much more opposite of "Meant to Live." Switchfoot is incredibly diverse and deserves to be in consideration when discussions turn to best bands in the last ten years.
I am in love with "The War Inside." I think it is one of the best tracks on any CD released this year.
"Vice Verses" - This song is SO different from "The War Inside" but just as powerful. Jon Foreman is very, very talented man.
Go get this CD, and every other Switchfoot CD for that matter.
9. Dawes, Nothing is Wrong

My biggest apology to anyone in 2011 has to go to Dawes. After hearing "Time Spent in Los Angeles" for the very first time I went to the CD store and bought the album. I played "Time Spent..." about 30 times and listened to each of the other songs for about 30 seconds and threw the CD into the back of my car, where it remained for the entire summer. I even went as far as to say that the CD wasn't good when people asked who sang "Time Spent.." If I could go back in time and change one thing I did this year it would be me saying how bad the CD was. I recently decided to give the CD one final shot before I alphabetically filed it away in my CD collection, and more than likely never listened to it again. Upon re-listening I realized how completely trashed my body is during the summer months. The lack of sleep, the excessive drinking, and the stress of bartending must have overcome my body and prevented my ears and/or brain from working properly. I don't even listen to "Time Spent in Los Angeles" much anymore. Listen to these next few songs and you will understand why December Ryan is so disgusted and angry at Summertime Ryan.
"How Far We've Come" Lyrics
"Time Spent in Los Angeles"
8. Blink 182, Neighborhoods

I have been a very huge Blink 182 fan for just about half of my life. A few years ago I thought that they were done for good. Neighborhoods was a personal slap in my face by Mark, Tom, and Travis. I am ashamed that I did not have more faith in the band. Tensions were so high between the guys for so long and it seemed highly unlikely that the friendships could be mended. Not only were they mended, but the time apart helped them make this album, which I think is their best in a very long time. They are obviously much more mature than they use to be (which is not saying too much) but Neighborhoods, while sounding nothing like Enema of the State reminds me of Enema in the fact that you can pop in the CD and listen to it from front to back with the thought of skipping a song never coming into your mind. Welcome back Blink!
"Up All Night"
7. Cage the Elephant, Thank You, Happy Birthday

This CD could simply be an EP with "Aberdeen", "Around My Head", and "Shake Me Down" and it would still be one of the best CD's of the year. The three radio hits are just a sample of the amazing tracks on Thank You, Happy Birthday, which was released way back in the second week of January. Cage the Elephant is really starting to make a name of themselves in the world of Alternative Rock and this album proves that their last CD, Cage the Elephant was not just a fluke. These guys are here to stay and could have a very long future on Ryan's Countdown's end of the year countdowns.
"Shake Me Down"
6. Young the Giant, Young the Giant

I have to admit that I used to have a very difficult time knowing the difference between Cage the Elephant, Portugal the Man, and Young the Giant. As the year went on Young the Giant started to stand out to me and is now my clear favorite of the three bands. The smash hits "My Body" and "Cough Syrup" are two of my top twenty songs of the year and both have a very decent chance at being my favorite song of the year. Young the Giant is chuck full of potential radio hits and I wouldn't be surprised if next year's list of favorite songs has a few tracks off of Young the Giant. As embarrassing as it may be, I only got the entire CD a few weeks ago, however, I pretty much instantly fell in love with it. Besides the two radio hits, the song "12 Fingers" stands out to me as a very strong front-runner for the next hit song by Young the Giant. Whatever they decide to release as their next single I am very confident that it will be loved by the public as much as the other two.
"My Body"
"Cough Syrup" - Oh no, I think I am in the beginning stages of becoming obsessed with them; just what I need.
"12 Fingers" - Is this their next huge hit? I sure hope so!
Big Talk is the debut album from the band fronted by The Killers drummer, Ronnie Vannucci. Not since Dave Grohl (drummer for Nirvana) formed Foo Fighters have I been more excited about a drummer taking on the daunting task of lead singer. I have held Ronnie Vannucci in very high regard for many years, but this proves that he is not only an incredibly talented drummer, but he can shine just as bright as a lead singer. The only reason why I would want Big Talk to fail as a band would be because I don't want The Killers to have any reason to ever break up. Big Talk has, however, held me over during the painfully long amount of time the Killers have been working on their next album. There is not a bad song on the CD and there are at least 3 or 4 potential radio hits including their first release "Replica" which has a really cool and original music video. If this is what Ronnie Vannucci is doing during his Killers breaks, then maybe a little hiatus for the band every now and then is not the end of the world, which is how I often act upon discovering they are taking a break.
Such an awesome video. Ronnie Vannucci oozes coolness. If there was a pill I could take to be as cool as Ronnie Vannucci I would take twice the recommended dosage. I would overdose on coolness.
Another killer video. This song screams Nirvana to me. There is no reason this song should be ignored.
"A Fine Time to Need Me" is pretty impossible to not sing along to. After hearing it one time I felt like I have heard it for years.
14. Adele, 21
It may have taken me a little longer to jump on the Adele train than most people, but I am certainly happy that I boarded. 21 has been a record breaking commercial success and deserves all of the hype it has received. Every track on the album could be a radio hit. "Rumor Has It", a summertime staple at the Windjammer patio bar, was not even officially released as a single and it was still huge. I am pretty sure all of the tracks were on the top 200 best sellers on Itunes at some point this year. Old people love Adele, young people love Adele, women love Adele and men love Adele. Unfortunately for Adele most of 21 is about her heartbreak and depression after a devastating breakup with her boyfriend. I am only half kidding when I say that I hope Adele has the worst year of all time in 2012 and suffers even more heartbreak and anguish in order for her to make 23, which I am assuming will be the title of her next album.
"Someone Like You"
"One and Only"
How crazy is it that a song like this is one of the least known tracks on her album. That is a testament to how classic this album is and how talented she is. This track has one of the nicest vocals I have ever heard. Flawless.
13. The Decembrists, The King is Dead
The King is Dead is the Decemberists sixth studio album and the bands first to reach the number one spot on the Billboard charts. The wildly popular "This is Why We Fight" propelled the album to the top of the charts back in February. The track was by far the song that I heard the most this summer while bartending at the beach. Anytime anyone was even remotely annoyed at anyone else at work I would say "This is why, this is why we fight." For me, it never got old. The folk rock music that The Decemberists are known for has been gaining quite a lot of popularity thanks to last years release of Mumford & Sons album. Just about all the tracks on The King is Dead are fun and catchy. The entire album flows smoothly from one song to the next and listening to the album track by track is almost reminiscent of watching a movie; a really, really good movie.
"This is Why We Fight" - the soundtrack to our lives.
"Down by the Water"
12. Red Hot Chili Peppers, I'm With You
These guys can do no wrong. The Chili Peppers have been around for so long that each time they put out a new album I am convinced that it will be the one that shows their age. I'm With You did the opposite of that. It proves to me that the Chili Peppers will continue to release great music until they are dead. I have to admit that it took me a while to really start liking I'm With You, but once I gave it a fair chance it was obvious to me that they are still the Chili Peppers that I love. This is not my favorite Peppers album of all time, but very solid nevertheless. The first single "The Adventures of Rain Dance Maggie" is probably my favorite tune on the album, but songs like "Monarchy of Roses" (their next single), "Police Station" and "Even You, Brutus?" have the potential to be big hits. All in all I definitely recommend I'm With You, I am pretty sure you will not be let down.
"The Adventures of Rain Dance Maggie" - I pray that I am that cool when I grow up.
"Police Station" - I am sure all of the members of the Red Hot Chili Peppers have plenty of first hand experience at police stations.
11. M83., Hurry Up, We're Dreaming
I have just realized how eclectic my music taste has been this year. I am an obsessed alternative rock fan, but in just the first nine albums on the countdown I already have 2 female pop rock albums (Gaga and Adele), folk rockers (Decemberists and The Head and the Heart), singer-songwriter (Nathanson), and rockers (Coldplay, Big Talk, Red Hot Chili Peppers and OAR.) I will also have many country songs on my end of the year Best Songs of 2011 Countdown. M83., however, is in a league of its own. The "band" M83. is simply one very talented French man named Anthony Gonzalez. Hurry Up, We're Dreaming is an almost unprecedented double album. Gonzalez has said that he has always wanted to make a double album since the Smashing Pumpkins released Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness back in 1995. Each of the songs on the albums has a sister or brother song on the opposite album. It is quite remarkable and in my opinion is the best double album since Red Hot Chili Pepper's 2006 release of Stadium Arcadium.
If you are unfamiliar with M83 I strongly suggest you give them a listen. I pretty much despise dance and electronic music, but for some reason I completely fell in love with this album in just a day or two. Hurry Up, We're Dreaming makes you feel as though you are literally in another world, very far away from Earth, and a very long time from now. I can't ever remember an album mentally transporting me to another time and place as much as Hurry Up... does. Every time I hear the track "Train to Pluton" I get a mental image of me chilling on a train to Pluton, whatever the hell that is. Also, "Raconte-Moi Une Histoire" may be the coolest thing I have ever heard on a CD. It is a little girl reciting a messed up poem set to a killer track. Don't give up after listening just once. The reward for your perseverance will be 22 brilliant, mesmerizing, and unforgettable tunes.
First single off the album, "Midnight City"
My personal favorite track, "Year One, One UFO"
"Raconte-Moi Une Histoire" - If you are not riveted by this, something is wrong with you. So creepy, so beautiful. It is pure genius.
10. Switchfoot, Vice Verses
Not only are the members of Switchfoot incredibly cool and nice (I won a contest a few years ago and got to eat dinner with them) they keep releasing one amazing CD after the other. I have to admit, I did not enjoy Vice Verses as much as their last album, Hello, Hurricane but it certainly was good enough for me to place in my top 10 albums of the year. Vice Verses also came with a live version of Hello Hurricane so it was 12 solid new tunes and 12 more than solid old tunes. The first single off of the album, "Dark Horses" is not even in my top 5 songs on the album.
Many people think of "Meant to Live" when they think of Switchfoot. "Meant to Live" is a great song, but much more "pop" than the Switchfoot as of late. My favorite track off of Vice Verses is probably "The War Inside" and it could not be much more opposite of "Meant to Live." Switchfoot is incredibly diverse and deserves to be in consideration when discussions turn to best bands in the last ten years.
I am in love with "The War Inside." I think it is one of the best tracks on any CD released this year.
"Vice Verses" - This song is SO different from "The War Inside" but just as powerful. Jon Foreman is very, very talented man.
Go get this CD, and every other Switchfoot CD for that matter.
9. Dawes, Nothing is Wrong
My biggest apology to anyone in 2011 has to go to Dawes. After hearing "Time Spent in Los Angeles" for the very first time I went to the CD store and bought the album. I played "Time Spent..." about 30 times and listened to each of the other songs for about 30 seconds and threw the CD into the back of my car, where it remained for the entire summer. I even went as far as to say that the CD wasn't good when people asked who sang "Time Spent.." If I could go back in time and change one thing I did this year it would be me saying how bad the CD was. I recently decided to give the CD one final shot before I alphabetically filed it away in my CD collection, and more than likely never listened to it again. Upon re-listening I realized how completely trashed my body is during the summer months. The lack of sleep, the excessive drinking, and the stress of bartending must have overcome my body and prevented my ears and/or brain from working properly. I don't even listen to "Time Spent in Los Angeles" much anymore. Listen to these next few songs and you will understand why December Ryan is so disgusted and angry at Summertime Ryan.
"How Far We've Come"
This song is nothing short of a masterpiece. The only way I can forgive myself for talking badly about this album is to find these amazing clips and tell the world how very wrong I was back in the summer of 2011. "How Far We've Come" Lyrics
Stars please shine the way for me
Show the one that I have followed
To see how far I’ve come
Sun that slowly sets on me
Be the same to rise tomorrow
To see how far I’ve come
These are the days we swore upon
So barman keep the TV on
To see how far we’ve come
Peak to peak and shore to shore
This is all love was ever for
Is to see how far we’ve come
California’s greenest parts
I reach out for my brother
To see how far he’s come
For the girl that came to break my heart
I call on her new lover
To see how far she’s come
Why your mother keeps a record of her child’s height
Why we all are here tonight
Is to see how far we’ve come
The only point of clocks and maps
The only point of looking back
Is to see how far we’ve come
Ooh Ooh Oh Oh Oh…Ooh Ooh Ooh…Ooh Ooh Ooh Oh Ohhh
Ooh Ooh Oh Oh Oh…Ooh Ooh Ooh…Ooh Ooh Ooh Oh Ohhh
Stars please shine the way for me
Show the one that I have followed
To see how far I’ve come
And sun that slowly sets on me
Be the same to rise tomorrow
To see how far I’ve come
"A Little Bit of Everything" - Warning. This song could make you start hysterically crying, and you may not even know why. Show the one that I have followed
To see how far I’ve come
Sun that slowly sets on me
Be the same to rise tomorrow
To see how far I’ve come
These are the days we swore upon
So barman keep the TV on
To see how far we’ve come
Peak to peak and shore to shore
This is all love was ever for
Is to see how far we’ve come
California’s greenest parts
I reach out for my brother
To see how far he’s come
For the girl that came to break my heart
I call on her new lover
To see how far she’s come
Why your mother keeps a record of her child’s height
Why we all are here tonight
Is to see how far we’ve come
The only point of clocks and maps
The only point of looking back
Is to see how far we’ve come
Ooh Ooh Oh Oh Oh…Ooh Ooh Ooh…Ooh Ooh Ooh Oh Ohhh
Ooh Ooh Oh Oh Oh…Ooh Ooh Ooh…Ooh Ooh Ooh Oh Ohhh
Stars please shine the way for me
Show the one that I have followed
To see how far I’ve come
And sun that slowly sets on me
Be the same to rise tomorrow
To see how far I’ve come
"Time Spent in Los Angeles"
8. Blink 182, Neighborhoods
I have been a very huge Blink 182 fan for just about half of my life. A few years ago I thought that they were done for good. Neighborhoods was a personal slap in my face by Mark, Tom, and Travis. I am ashamed that I did not have more faith in the band. Tensions were so high between the guys for so long and it seemed highly unlikely that the friendships could be mended. Not only were they mended, but the time apart helped them make this album, which I think is their best in a very long time. They are obviously much more mature than they use to be (which is not saying too much) but Neighborhoods, while sounding nothing like Enema of the State reminds me of Enema in the fact that you can pop in the CD and listen to it from front to back with the thought of skipping a song never coming into your mind. Welcome back Blink!
"Up All Night"
7. Cage the Elephant, Thank You, Happy Birthday
This CD could simply be an EP with "Aberdeen", "Around My Head", and "Shake Me Down" and it would still be one of the best CD's of the year. The three radio hits are just a sample of the amazing tracks on Thank You, Happy Birthday, which was released way back in the second week of January. Cage the Elephant is really starting to make a name of themselves in the world of Alternative Rock and this album proves that their last CD, Cage the Elephant was not just a fluke. These guys are here to stay and could have a very long future on Ryan's Countdown's end of the year countdowns.
"Shake Me Down"
6. Young the Giant, Young the Giant
I have to admit that I used to have a very difficult time knowing the difference between Cage the Elephant, Portugal the Man, and Young the Giant. As the year went on Young the Giant started to stand out to me and is now my clear favorite of the three bands. The smash hits "My Body" and "Cough Syrup" are two of my top twenty songs of the year and both have a very decent chance at being my favorite song of the year. Young the Giant is chuck full of potential radio hits and I wouldn't be surprised if next year's list of favorite songs has a few tracks off of Young the Giant. As embarrassing as it may be, I only got the entire CD a few weeks ago, however, I pretty much instantly fell in love with it. Besides the two radio hits, the song "12 Fingers" stands out to me as a very strong front-runner for the next hit song by Young the Giant. Whatever they decide to release as their next single I am very confident that it will be loved by the public as much as the other two.
"My Body"
"Cough Syrup" - Oh no, I think I am in the beginning stages of becoming obsessed with them; just what I need.
"12 Fingers" - Is this their next huge hit? I sure hope so!
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