For those of you that may not be familiar with Beavis and Butt-Head I will include this description of the boys courtesy of wikipedia.......
"The show centers on two socially awkward, rock/metal-loving teenage delinquents, Beavis and Butt-head (both voiced by Judge), who live in the fictional town of Highland, Texas. They have no apparent adult supervision at home, are woefully undereducated, dim-witted, barely literate and lack any empathy or moral scruples. Their most common shared activity is watching music videos, which they tend to judge by deeming them "cool", or by claiming, "This sucks!"
Is it 10/27/11 yet?????????
Butthead gets the most dreaded of all phone calls; he has to go back into work. Butthead and I are so similar sometimes.
59. Boy Meets World (1993 - 2000) - I have a special place in my heart for "Boy Meets World" because the kids on the show were exactly my age. We were in 7th grade together, we went to high school together, we got our drivers license together, we graduated together, we went to college together. Then, all of a sudden, my friends Cory and Topanga decided to get MARRIED. What?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! How could they do this to me? Was I now expected to get married just because they did. I felt lost and confused and did not know where to turn. Luckily my next door neighbor (who was also my teacher for 7 years in a row) gave me some good advise and assured me that I did not have to get married just because the cast of "Boy Meets World" did. Mr. Feeny is the man.
58. Make Me a Supermodel (2008 - 2009) - This is BY FAR the most embarrassed I am about any of the 100 shows on the countdown. I didn't want to really enjoy this show, I promise. I started watching because, as always, I had money riding on the outcome. My roommate and I placed $$$ on each of the contestants we choose to be on our "team." If that person won the show, we got that amount of cash. Simple. However, as the season went on I actually started to really like the show and would more than likely have watched it even if I was not gambling on it. Unfortunately, this is the one show that I lost some money on. The first season I believe I lost only $20 to the winner, Holly, which was a shocker. But the second season, that handsome little devil Branden cost me $100, that bastard. Jonathan was a MUCH better model that he will ever be. I still get angry just thinking about it.
Anyway, great show and hopefully it will return one of these days.
Season 1 winner -

I'm ok with losing $20 for her.
Season 2 Winner, Branden. Nice kid, but I am NOT ok with losing $100 for him.
Jonathan and I got robbed. Combined, him and I got robbed out of $100,100.
Yes. I know. I have issues.
57. Facts of Life (1979 - 1988) - I do not even care what the show is about, when you have a theme song as good as this one, there is no way I am going to not watch it. For whatever reason, I find myself singing the "Facts of Life" theme song at least once a month.
Throughout the years my favorite Facts of Life girl has changed over and over again. It would be impossible for me to rank Jo, Natalie, Blair and Tootie now. What I do know, however, is that I despised that nerdy little dork that came towards the end of the series.
I have NO idea why I hated him so much, but is more than likely that I was just extremely jealous of him getting to live with the "Facts of Life" girls.
56. Melrose Place (1992 - 1999) - I am pretty sure I do not need to say this, but when I say "Melrose Place" I am obviously referring to the original show and not the ill received redux version that came back in 2009. Technically, I am only referring to about the first three or four seasons of the original show. I LOVED the first few seasons and for some reason, lost all interest as the show went on. I think it was because of all the cast changes. I really liked the original 8 cast members, but as they left and began being replaced, I began to separate myself from the show. I did not want new people moving into Melrose Place and recking havoc on Grant Show and co.
Favorite Melrose Placers
55. Rock of Love (2007 - 2009) - Nothing makes me feel better about myself than watching an episode of "Rock of Love." Each of the Rock of Love seasons did have about 1 or 2 normal girls in the cast, but the other 23-24 are straight out of the nut house.
I have no idea why I am so entertained by this awful show, but I am. When the first season ended I promised myself that I would not watch a second season. I did. When season 2 ended I promised myself that I would not watch a third season. I did. Thank God that the show did not come back for a fourth season because I became sick of letting myself down and wasting 15 hours of my life on this ridiculous, insanely awesome reality show.
Imagine being one of the first girls eliminated on this show. That is saying a LOT.
54. Doogie Howser MD (1989 - 1993) - If only "America's Got Talent" was around in the early 90's I would be a millionaire now. A little known talent of mine is that I can play the theme song of "Doogie Howser M.D." flawlessly. Still today, when asked to tickle the ivory by adoring fans, I will always start with my go-to, the theme song to this amazing show. I may show my 4th graders the entire series because nothing made me want to do better in school than Doogie. I wanted to be a child doctor just like him. However, my paralyzing fear of needles, blood, and bodily fluids kind of put a damper on that dream. My teachers must have wondered why I was such a good student on Thursday mornings. Little did they know that it was just because I was motivated by Dr Howser every Wednesday night. Ultimately, after about 45 seconds of diagramming sentences I was no longer paying attention and refocusing my dreams on something that did not require me to be the greatest student (like becoming a child actor and starring in the sequel to Honey, I Shrunk the Kids.)
If you have not yet heard me play this tune on the piano, you don't know what you're missing. It is a must-hear.
53. Who's the Boss (1984 - 1992) - Ah, the age old question. Was it male, live-in housekeeper, Tony? Was it divorced, mean advertising executive, Angela? Was it the slutty grandmother, Mona? or could it possibly have been the beautiful, popular, perfect daughter, Samantha? We all know that it was certainly NOT the nerdy, momma's boy, Jonathan.
"Who's the Boss?" ran for eight seasons and was a top 10 show for four seasons. However, season eight took a complete nose-dive and didn't even make the top 75 shows of the season. Pathetic. Producers obviously knew they were in trouble and very quickly ended the show, never answering the question of who the boss really was. I still vividly remember watching the series finale of the show. I was at my Aunt Cathy's house watching with my brother and cousins, Chad, Paul and Lisa. It aired on the same night as the series finale of MacGyver and Growing Pains. I remember being very emotional and requesting to go home before the finale of Growing Pains because I did not want to cry in front of everyone and be made fun of. I was strong enough to keep my emotions in check for "Who's the Boss", I remember being forced to take a bath during MacGyver (which I was totally fine missing) and really fell apart saying good-bye to the Seaver family. No 12 year old kid should have to go through all those emotions in one night. It was traumatic, and a night I will never forget.
Can it please be 1986 again?
52. Just the Ten of Us (1988 - 1990) - The fact that there was only three seasons of this show is an absolute travesty. Granted, I could not stand the parents, but I was in love with all the daughters. The show got the axe not because of lackluster ratings, but because of the politics at ABC and their fear of placing a "edgy" show like "Just the Ten of Us" in the brand new, wildly popular "TGIF" line-up.
I will never forgive ABC for killing "Just the Ten of Us" so soon, but I have decided to end my nearly 20 year boycott of the channel with their additions of "The Middle" and "Modern Family." It has taken some time, but I think I am close to finally being able to move on and let "Just the Ten of Us" finally rest in peace.
If you have never seen "Just the Ten of Us", which is a spin-off of the epic "Growing Pains" then you have no clue what you are missing and I highly suggest that you do yourself a favor and check it out. You deserve it.
I finally understand what it means to miss something. I may watch that opening every single day for the next year.
51. Step by Step (1991 - 1998) - With this show, the modern day version of "The Brady Bunch" I know that the countdown is getting pretty serious. Anyone that knows me well knows that I have a VERY special place in my heart for the Brady family. I had no choice but to love "Step by Step." It is the closest I will ever get to what it must have felt like watching "The Brady Bunch" air original episodes.
If I had a "list of things to do before I die" at the age of 14, I am 100% positive that my #1 thing on the list would be to go on the roller coaster that was featured in the opening shots of "Step by Step." Fourteen year old Ryan would be mortified that 17 years later, 31 year old Ryan, still does not even know where that roller coaster is.
14 year old Ryan, I am sorry that I have let you down. If it makes you feel any better, it is now 2011 and "The Real World" is still on and in its 25th season. Thought that might help.
Can someone please do some research and let me know where this stupid roller coaster is so I can make 14 year old Ryan's dream come true?